毕 业 论 文
系部名称 汽车系
专业名称 汽车检测与维修
班 级 111512
学 号 47
姓 名 汽车多少公里换机油 朱宇星
指导教师 王小明
摘 要
汽车的修理和维护是大家头痛的问题。 如果平时不知好好保养爱车,或者驾车习惯不好,一旦车子得进4s店修特修,不单得付 一笔昂贵的费用,时间的浪费和精神上的折磨,更是难以想象。 所以,汽车要时时注意保养,从你拥有汽车的第一天就小心维护,以免因小失大。我写的这篇论文就是让你明白汽车该如何进行保养。
【关键词】发动机诊断 检修 保养
摘 要
Car repairs and maintenance is everyone headache problem. If not maintain well at ordinary times, bad habits or driving car, once the car in a factory, repair, overhaul not only have to pay a considerable cost, waste of time and mental torture, it is difficult to math. So, the car should always pay attention to maintain, from the first day you have carefully maintenance, lest keep the tail from wagging the dog? This paper, starting from the car theory knowledge to explain your car engine repair and maintenance of the foundation of knowledge.