The 6th CAEXPO Conferences Arrangement (by time)
号数No. | 日期Date | 时间 Time | 地点 Venue | 人数Scale | 会议 Program | 内容 Contents | 主办方 Sponsor(s) |
1 | 10月20日October 20 10月20日October 20 10月20日 October 20 10月20日 October 20 | 11:00-12:30 | 103会议厅 Conference Room 103, NICEC | 150 | Promotion Conference on the 14th Investment and Trade Fair for Cooperation between East and West China | 重点推介第十四届中国-东西部合作与投资贸易洽谈会 Promotion of the 14th Investment and Trade Fair for Cooperation between East and West China | 陕西省商务厅 Department of Commerce of Shanxi Province |
2 | 11:00-12:30 | 105会议厅 Conference Room 105, NICEC | 90 | 新加坡-中国商贸推介会 Singapore-China Business Promotion Conference | 介绍《中国政府和新加坡政府自由贸易协定》、介绍投资新加坡的商机和措施 Introduction to China-Singapore Free Trade Agreement and biz opportunities and investment policies of Singapore | 新加坡国际企业发展局 中国—东盟博览会秘书处 International Enterprises Singapore, CAEXPO Secretariat | |
3 | 13:30-14:30 | 109会议室 Conference Room 109 NICEC | 60 | Sourcing conference of Jiangsu, Shanghai, Jiangxi and Qingdao | 采购农产品食品、东盟特食品 Agro-based products, foodstuffs, ASEAN foodstuffs | 中国-东盟博览会秘书处 CAEXPO Secretariat | |
4 | 13:30-14:30 | 110会议室Conference Room 110 NICEC | 60 | 福建、厦门、广东采购团采购对接会Sourcing conference of Fujian, Xiamen and Guangdong | 采购农产品食品、东盟特食品Agro-based products, foodstuffs, ASEAN foodstuffs | 中国-东盟博览会秘书处CAEXPO Secretariat | |
5 | 13:30-15:30 | 111会议室 Conference Room 111, NICEC | 60 | 菲律宾菲华新联公会采购对接会 Sourcing conference of Filipino-Chinese Shin Lian Assn.,Inc. | 包装机械、电子电器、珠宝玉器、建筑材料、家具、纺织品、太阳能设备、服装加工设备采购对接 Packaging machinery, electronics & electrical appliances, jewelry & jades, building materials, furniture, textiles, solar energy equipment, garment processing equipment | 中国-东盟博览会秘书处 CAEXPO Secretariat | |
6 | 14:00-16:30 | 112会议室 Conference Room 112, NICEC | 60 | 泰国采购商组团(FIT泰国工业院)采购对接会 Sourcing Conference of FIT of Thailand | 电子电器、包装机械、汽车配件采购对接 Electronics & electrical appliances, packaging machinery, automobile parts | 中国-东盟博览会秘书处 CAEXPO Secretariat | |
7 | 14:00-16:00 | 101 会议厅 Conference Room 101, NICEC | 300 | 充满希望的缅甸 Promising Myanmar | 介绍缅甸投资环境与政策 Investment Environment & Related Policies of Myanmar | 缅甸商务部、 缅甸工商联合会 Ministry of Commerce of Myanmar & Union of Myanmar Federation of Chamber of Commerce & Industry | |
8 | 14:00-15:30 | 102会议厅 Conference Room 102, NICEC | 130 | 菲律宾国家推介会 Promotion Conference of the Philippines | 推介菲律宾投资环境和政策 Investment Environment & Related Policies of the Philippines | 菲律宾贸工部 Department of Trade and Industry of the Philippines | |
9 | 14:00-17:00 | 103会议厅 Conference Room 103, NICEC | 150 | 印尼国家推介会 Promotion Conference of Indonesia | 介绍印尼投资环境与政策 Investment Environment & Related Policies of Indonesia | 印尼投资协调署 Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) | |
10 | 14:00-17:00 中华汽车配件 | 106会议厅 Conference Room 106, NICEC | 80 | 东盟国家工程项目投融资研讨会 Seminar on ASEAN Engineering Project Investment & Financing | 介绍支持企业“走出去”的金融与保险特服务,我对外承包企业项目投融资的整体解决方案 Financial and insurance services for the "Go Global" (overseas investment) of Chinese enterprises; all-in-one solutions for China's international project contracting | 商务部合作司 中国对外承包工程商会 Department of Outward Investment and Economic Cooperation of MOFCOM, China International Contractors Association | |
11 | 15:00-16:30 | 105 会议厅 Conference Room 105, NICEC | 90 | 哈尔滨:充满希望和魅力的冰城夏都与参加第六届中国—东盟博览会中外媒体见面会 Promotion Conference (News briefing) of Harbin, China | 介绍推介哈尔滨 City Promotion | 哈尔滨市经济合作促进局 Harbin Economic Cooperation Promotion Agency | |
12 | 15:00-16:00 | 107会议厅 Conference Room 107, NICEC | 50 | 马来西亚旅游推介会 Promotion Conference on Tourism in Malaysia | 马来西亚旅游推介 Introduction to Tourism in Malaysia | 马来西亚旅游局 Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board | |
13 | 15:00-17:00 | 南宁饭店红棉厅 Hongmian Hall, Nanning Hotel | 350 | 宁夏旅游及项目推介会 Promotion Conference of Ningxia Province | 宁夏旅游及项目推介 Tourism and Investment Promotion | 宁夏回族自治区人民政府 People’s Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region | |
14 | 15:30-16:00 | 南宁饭店 Nanning Hotel | 400 | 国际经济合作签约仪式 Signing Ceremony of International Economic Cooperation Projects | 中国对外投资合作、工程承包及中国引进国外投资合作项目 Overseas investment, engineering contracting and investment-inviting projects of China | 中国-东盟博览会组委会 CAEXPO Organizing Committee | |
15 | 17:00-17:30 | 南宁饭店 Nanning Hotel | 400 | 国内经济合作签约仪式 Signing Ceremony of Chinese Domestic Economic Cooperation Projects | 中国省际间投资合作项目,包括广西引进区外境内投资合作项目 Inter-provincial investment cooperation projects | 中国-东盟博览会组委会 CAEXPO Organizing Committee | |
16 | 16:00-17:00 | 111、112 会议厅 Conference Rooms 111, 112, NICEC | 80 | 缅甸投资项目对接洽谈会 Golden Myanmar (Let’s be Trading Partners Forever) | 中国和缅甸企业项目洽谈China-Myanmar Project Talks | 缅甸商务部 Ministry of Commerce of Myanmar | |
17 | 16:00-17:30 | 南宁市政府会议中心 Conference Center of Nanning Municipal Government | 650 | 2009南宁市投资贸易洽谈会暨重大项目签约仪式 Investment & Trade Seminar & Signing Ceremony of Major Projects 2009 | 推介南宁市投资环境与政策 Investment environment and related policies of Nanning | 南宁市人民政府 Municipal Government of Nanning | |
18 | 10月21日October 21 10月21日October 21 10月21日October 21 10月21日October 21 10月21日October 21 10月22日October 22 10月22日October 22 | 9:00-11:15 | 101会议厅 Conference Room 101, NICEC | 300 | 老挝—中国商业投资论坛 Laos-China Business & Investment Forum | 介绍老挝投资环境与政策 Investment environment and related policies of Lao PDR | 老挝计划投资部 老挝工业贸易部 Ministry of Planning and Investment of Lao PDR, Ministry of Industry and Commerce of Lao PDR |
19 | 9:00-11:00 | 102 会议厅 Conference Room 102, NICEC | 150 | 中国-东盟投资合作基金说明会 Seminar on China-ASEAN Investment Cooperation Fund | 中国-东盟100亿美元投资合作基金政策讲解 Polices on the China-ASEAN Investment Cooperation Fund scaled USD 10 billion | 中国进出口银行 广西壮族自治区人民政府 The Export-Import Bank of China, People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region | |
20 | 9:00-17:05 | 桃源饭店 迎宾楼5楼会议厅 Taoyuan Hotel | 200 | 亚洲合作经济组织高端论坛 Meeting of the Asian Economic Cooperation Organization | 交流合作经济组织参与和推动农业产业化经营的模式选择与经验,进行跨国联合采购说明和贸易对接 The role of economic cooperation organizations in promoting the industrialization of agriculture; trans-national procurement information; | 中华供销总社 All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives | |
21 | 9:00-11:00 | 南宁沃顿酒店 Guangxi Wharton International Hotel | 100 | 第六届梧州国际宝石节介绍会 Briefing Conference on the 6th Wuzhou (Guangxi) International Gem Festival | 进行梧州宝石节的推介 Introduction to the 6th Wuzhou (Guangxi) International Gem Festival | 中国—东盟博览会秘书处 梧州市人民政府 CAEXPO Secretariat, Municipal Government of Wuzhou, Guangxi | |
22 | 9:00-10:30 | 105 会议厅 Conference Room 105, NICEC | 90 | 走进东盟——河北省对外经济合作项目发布会 Briefing Conference on Economic Cooperation Projects with Foreign countries of Hebei Province, China | 河北省“走出去”重点合作领域和进出口合作意向介绍 Introduction to the key cooperation sectors and the import & export cooperation intentions of Heibei Province | 河北省商务厅 Department of Commerce of Hebei Province | |
23 | 9:00-12:00 | 106会议厅 Conference Room 106, NICEC | 100 | 香港上市及融资研讨会 Seminar on Listing and Financing in Hong Kong | 企业如何吸引资金融资在香港上市以及香港上市的有关政策介绍 Fund raising and go listed in HK | 中国—东盟博览会秘书处 香港交易及结算所有限公司 CAEXPO Secretariat, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited | |
24 | 9:30-10:30 | 110会议室 Conference Room 110, NICEC | 60 | 马来西亚沙巴州兵南邦、马六甲中小企业工会、沙捞越工商会代表团采购对接会 Sourcing Conference of Penampang Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry ,SMI Association of Melaka,Sarawak Chamber of Commerce & Industry | 豆制食品、建筑材料、棕榈油、汽车维修、花岗岩大理石 Bean products, building materials, palm oil, automobile maintenance, marbles & granite | 中国-东盟博览会秘书处 CAEXPO Secretariat | |
25 | 9:30-11:00 | 103会议厅 Conference Room 103, NICEC | 150 | 广西农垦投资推介会暨项目签约仪式 Promotion Conference on Guangxi State Farms Investment Projects & Signing Ceremony | 自治区领导致辞,嘉宾演讲,项目签约仪式 Speeches by leaders of Guangxi and other VIPs, Signing Ceremony | 中国广西农垦 中国—东盟博览会秘书处 Guangxi State Farms, CAEXPO Secretariat | |
26 | 10:30-12:00 | 107会议室 Conference Room 107, NICEC | 50 | 开创泰国新商机 New Business Opportunities of Thailand | 推介泰国投资环境和政策 Investment environment and related policies of Thailand | 泰国促进投资委员会 Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) | |
27 | 10:30-12:00 | 朱槿花厅 Chinese Hibiscus Hall, NICEC | 250 | 越南专场采购会 Sourcing conference of Viet Nam | 涉及工程机械、包装机械、电力与能源、电子建筑材料、农资和农业技术及国际工程承包等领域 Engineering machinery, packaging machinery, electric power & energy, electronics, building materials, agricultural materials, agro-technology, international engineering contracting | 越南工贸部贸易促进局 中国-东盟博览会秘书处 Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency (VIETRADE), CAEXPO Secretariat | |
28 | 11:00-12:30 | 105 会议室 Conference Rooms 105 NICEC | 80 | 老中商业对话 Laos-China Business Dialogue | 中国和老挝企业项目洽谈 Business talks | 老挝工贸部 Ministry of Commerce and Trade of Lao PDR | |
29 | 上午 Whole morning | 马来西亚管洽谈区 Business Matching Area,Hall 5 | 50 | 马来西亚棕榈油总署和阿拉米植物油公司与青岛棕榈油企业对接 Networking program between Malaysian Palm Oil Board ,ALAMI VEGETABLE OIL PRODUCTS SDN BHD and palm oil enterprises of Qingdao, China | 棕榈油采购对接 Sourcing conference of Palm Oil | 中国—东盟博览会秘书处 CAEXPO Secretariat | |
30 | 13:00-15:00 | 109会议室 Conference Room 109 NICEC | 60 | 广西流通企业采购说明会 Sourcing Conference of Guangxi Logistics Enterprises | 广西流通企业发布采购信息,与供应商开展对接 Procurement information and business networking | 中国—东盟博览会秘书处 CAEXPO Secretariat | |
31 | 14:00-17:00 | 101会议厅 Conference Hall 101 NICEC | 400 | 到柬埔寨西哈努克省经济特区投资 Investing in Special Economic Zone in Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia | 举行西哈努克省特别经济区为主题的推介会 Special Economic Zone in Sihanouk Province | 柬埔寨商务部 Ministry of Commerce of Cambodia | |
32 | 14:00-16:00 | 105 会议厅Conference Room 105, NICEC | 90 | “马来西亚-中国”商机推介会Malaysia-China Business Opportunities | 介绍马来投资环境与政策 Investment Environment & Related Policies of Malaysia | 马来西亚对外贸易发展局、 马来西亚工业发展局 Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) & Malaysian Industrial Development Authority (MIDA) | |
33 | 14:00-17:00 | 107 会议厅 Conference Room 107 NICEC | 50 | 中国—东盟工程项目合作与发展论坛 China-ASEAN Engineering Project Cooperation & Development Forum | 香港工程界与东盟项目对接,开展经验交流 Business networking between Hong Kong and ASEAN engineering professionals | 广西壮族自治区科学技术 协会 香港工程界社促会 Guangxi Association for Science and Technology, Hong Kong Association of Engineering Professionals in Society Ltd. | |
34 | 14:00-17:00 | 朱槿花厅 Chinese Hibiscus Hall, NICEC | 400 | 投融资项目对接会 Seminar on Investment Cooperation projects | 工程承包与劳务合作、能源开发、金融服务、园区招商、基础设施建设、信息通信、农业与生物技术等行业的投资商与项目业主面对面洽谈 Project contracting & labor cooperation, energy developing, financial services, industrial park, infrastructure construction, information & communications technology, agriculture and bio-technology | 中国—东盟博览会秘书处 CAEXPO Secretariat | |
35 | 15:00-17:30 | 102 会议厅 Conference Room 102, NICEC | 150 | 中国(东盟)经济贸易合作区推介会 Promotion Conference on China's Economic & Trade Cooperation Zones in ASEAN | 推介中国印尼经贸合作区、柬埔寨西哈努克港经济特区、越南龙江工业园、越南中国(深圳)经济贸易合作区和泰国泰中罗勇工业园 Intruduction to China’s economic & trade cooperation zones in Indonesia, Cambodia, Viet Nam and Thailand | 商务部经贸合作区办公室 Ministry of Commerce of China | |
36 | 15:00-17:00 | 106会议厅 Conference Room 106, NICEC | 110 | 法国马恩河谷省政府推介会 Briefing Conference on Marne de la Vallée of France | 推介法国马恩河谷省投资环境和政策 Investment Environment & Related Policies of Marne de la Vallée | 法国马恩河谷省政府 Provincial Government of Marne de la Vallée of France | |
37 | 16:30-17:30 | 105会议厅Conference Room 105, NICEC | 90 | 马中经贸代表团采购对接会Malaysia-China Sourcing Conference | 企业经贸洽谈 Business talks | 马来西亚中国经济贸易 总商会中国-东盟博览会秘书处 Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce, CAEXPO Secretariat | |
38 | 9:30-10:30 | 109会议室 Conference Room 109, NICEC | 60 | 马来西亚采购商组团(槟城进出口商会)采购对接会 Sourcing Conference of Penang, Malaysia | 电子电器、包装机械、建筑材料、热轧钢圈,冷轧钢圈,镀锌薄钢板、空气冷却系统产品,环保的新型模型和产品、家具、医疗设备、成衣、中药产品、汽车零配件 Electronics & electrical appliances, packaging machinery, building materials, hot/cold rolled steel coils, galvanized steel sheets, air cooling systems, new environment-friendly modes and products, furniture, medical equipment, garments, traditional Chinese medicine, automobile parts | 中国—东盟博览会秘书处 CAEXPO Secretariat | |
39 | 10:00-12:00 | 106 会议厅 Conference Room 106, NICEC | 100 | 青岛前湾保税港区推介及企业采购说明会 Promotion Conference on Qingdao Qianwan Bonded Port & Sourcing Conference | 前湾保税港区的相关政策、产业优势介绍以及重点企业的采购意向介绍 Introduction to Incentives and industrial advantages of the Bonded Port & procurement intentions of Qingdao enterprises | 青岛保税区经济贸易发展局 Economic & Trade Development Bureau of Qingdao Bonded Zone | |
40 | 10:30-12:00 | 103 会议厅 Conference Room 103, NICEC | 100人 | 中国电子北海产业园推介会 Promotion Conference on Beihai (China) Electronics Industrial Park | 推介中电北海产业园的发展规划,树立中电北海产业园的品牌形象 Development Scheme of the Park; Brand building strategies | 中国电子北海产业园发展 有限公司 北海工业园区管委会 Beihai (China) Electronics Industrial Park Development Co., Ltd Beihai Industrial Park Administration Committee | |
41 | 全天Whole Day | 105 会议厅 Conference Room 105, NICEC | 自定TBC | 中国—东盟自由贸易区法律事务论坛 CAFTA Legal Affairs Forum | 中国律师协会 All China Lawyers Association | ||
42 | 15:00-16:30 | 106会议厅 Conference Room 106, NICEC | 100 | 第六届中国-东盟博览会山西运城投资推介暨项目签约仪式 Promotion Conference on Investment Cooperation Projects of Yuncheng, Shanxi Province, China & Signing Ceremony | 投资推介及项目签约会 Investment Promotion and Signing Ceremony | 山西省运城市人民政府 Municipal Government of Yuncheng, Shanxi | |