汽车塑料件、橡胶件和热塑性弹性体件的材料标识与标记Material identification and marking of automotive
plastic, rubber and thermoplastic elastomer
1 范围
本标准适用于整车中质量大于(包括)100 g 的汽车塑料件、质量大于(包括)200 g的橡胶件和热塑性弹性体件。1 Scope
This standard defines material identification and marking requirements of automotive plastic, rubber and thermoplastic elastomer parts.
This standard applies to the plastic parts of more than or equal to 100g and the rubber parts as well as the thermoplastic elastomer parts of more than or equal to 200g used on whole vehicles.
2 规范性引用文件  2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which,through reference in this text,constitute provisions of this national standard.For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However,parties to agreements based on this national standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the document referred to applies.
GB/T 1844.1-1844.3  塑料及树脂缩写代号第1部分:基础聚合物及其特征性能,第2部分:填充及增强材料和第3部分:增塑剂
GB/T 1844.1-1844.3 Symbols of plastics and resins—Part 1: Basic polymers and their special characteristics, Part 2: Fillers and reinforcing materials and Part 3: Plasticizers.
ISO 1043.1-1043.4 塑料及树脂缩写代号第1部分:基础聚合物及其特征性能,第2部分:填充及增强材料,第3部分:增塑剂和第4部分:阻燃剂
ISO 1043.1-1043.4Symbols of plastics and resins—Part 1: Basic polymers and their special characteristics, Part 2: Fillers and reinforcing materials, Part 3: Plasticizers and Part 4: Flame retardants
GB/T 2035  塑料术语及其定义GB/T 2035 Terms and definitions for
ISO 472 塑料术语及其定义ISO 472 Terms and definitions for plastics GB/T 5576  橡胶与胶乳命名法GB/T 5576 Rubbers and lattices
ISO 1629 橡胶与胶乳命名法ISO 1629 Rubbers and lattices
GB 5577  合成橡胶牌号规定GB5577 Codification of types for
synthetic rubbers.
ISO 18064  热塑性弹性体符号与缩略语ISO 18064 Thermoplastic elastomers—
Nomenclature and abbreviated terms.
3 术语及定义
GB/T 2035、GB/T 5576、GB 5577、ISO 18064中确立的术语和定义适用于本标准。3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions given in GB/T 2035、GB/T 5576、GB 5577、ISO 18064 are applicable to this standard.
4 符号和缩略语  4 Symbols and abbreviated terms
GB/T 1844.1、GB/T 1844.2、GB/T 1844.3、GB/T 5576、GB5577、ISO 1043-4和ISO18064中定义的符号和缩略语均适用于本标准。如果存在任何恰当的符号或缩略语没有包含在本标准中,而且这些符号或缩略语来自某国际标准或者国家标准,本公司允许使用这些符号或缩略语,并以更改或修订的方式将它们纳入本标准。
Symbols and abbreviated terms defined in GB/T1844.1、GB/T1844.2、GB/T 1844.3、GB/T5576、GB
5577、ISO 1043-4 and ISO18064 are all applicable to this standard. Any appropriate symbols and abbreviated terms, which are not included in this standard but derive from some international standard or natural standard, are approved by this standard after amending or revising.
5 标识符的要求  5 Technical requirements of identification
5.1 标记系统  5.1 Material identification marking system
5.1.1 标识格式
塑料件、橡胶件和热塑性弹性体件的材料应采用恰当的符号或缩略语进行标识。符号或缩略语应置于“>”和“<”之间。5.1.1 Marking format
Plastic, rubber and thermoplastic elastomer parts should be marked with appropriate symbols and abbreviated terms. The mark shall be enclosed by arrow
5.1.2 单一组分制品标识
>PA6/12<。5.1.2 For single component materials
Materials made of single polymer or single copolymer shall be marked in accordance with 5.1.1.
1)Example 1:
For polypropylene (PP), it shall be marked as:
2)Example 2:
For acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene copolymer
(ABS), it shall be marked as:
3)Example 3:
For polyamide    6 and polyamide 12 copolymer (PA6/12), it shall be marked as:
5.1.3 共混聚合物或合金制品标识
在聚碳酸酯(PC)和丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯5.1.3 For blends and alloy materials
The blends and alloy materials shall be marked with appropriate abbreviated terms of polymer components, with the main component in first place followed by the other component in descending order according to their mass fractions, separated by a plus sign (+).
For the plastic alloy of polycarbonate (PC) and acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene copolymer (ABS), PC is the major component, ABS disperses in the matrix of PC, it shall be marked as:
5.1.4 带有特定添加剂的制品标识  5.1.4 For products with certain additives 填充与增强材料 Fillers and reinforcing materials 含有单一填充或增强材料的制品,应先标注该聚合物的缩略语,接着标注连字符,再标注添加剂的符号或缩略语,并标明其质量百分数,格式应符合5.1.1的规定。填充与增强材料的符号或缩略语应符合GB/T 1844.2的规定。
>PP-MD30< Products that contain single filler or single reinforcing material shall be marked as: firstly the abbreviate term of polymer, then a hyphen (-), and then the symbol or abbreviated term of additive with its mass percentage followed. GB/T1844.2 defines the symbols and abbreviated terms of fillers and reinforcing materials.
Example :
For polypropylene (PP) with 30% (mass ratio) mineral powder (MD), it shall be marked as:
>PP-MD30< 对于含有多种填充或增强材料或同时含有两者的制品,应在圆括号内标注代表这些物质的符号,且按照质量分数递减的顺序排列,如示例1和示例2所示。
1) 示例1:
>UP-(MD+GF)75< For products that contain more than one kind of filler or reinforcing material or contain both, the symbols or abbreviated terms of fillers or reinforcing materials shall be enclosed by parenthesis (( )), and be arranged in descending order according to their mass fractions.
1)Example 1:
For polyamide 66 (PA66) with 15% (mass ratio) mineral powder (MD) and 25% (mass ratio) glass fiber (GF), it shall be marked as: >PA66-(GF25+MD15)<
2)Example 2:
For unsaturated polyester moulding material (UP) with 50% (mass ratio) mineral powder (MD) and 25% (mass ratio) glass fiber (GF), it shall be marked as:
>UP-(MD+GF)75< 增塑剂
>PVC-P(DBP)< Plasticizers
Products that contain plasticizers shall be marked as: firstly the abbreviate term of polymer, a hyphen ‘-’, then capital letter “P”, followed by the abbreviated term of plasticizer enclosed by parenthesis ‘( )’. GB/T1844.3 defines the symbols and abbreviated terms of plasticizers.
For polyvinylchloride (PVC) with plasticizer dibutyl phthalate (DBP), it shall be marked as:
>PVC-P(DBP)< 阻燃剂
阻燃剂代号应符合ISO 1043-4的规定。
>PA66-(GF+MD)40FR(52)< Flame retardants
Products that contain flame retardants shall be marked as: firstly the abbreviate term of polymer, a hyphen (-), then abbreviated terms “FR”, in capital letters, followed by the code number of flame retardant enclosed by parenthesis (( )). The code numbers of flame retardants are defined in ISO1043-4.
For polyamide 66 (PA66) with 15% (mass ratio) mineral powder (MD) and 25% (mass ratio) glass fiber (GF) and added with red phosphorus (code number: 52), it shall be marked as:
5.1.5 由两种或两种以上难以分离的组分制成的制品
>PVC,PUR,ABS<5.1.5 Products comprising of two or more than two types of materials
Products comprising of two or more than two types of materials, some of which are difficult to be seen, shall be marked in such an order: first the main visible material and then the other materials separated by comma. Meanwhile, the material of largest mass fraction will be identified under lined. Example:
For    a product comprising of three materials:polyvinylchloride (PVC) is the cuticle and visible, polyurethane (PUR) is under cuticle, and acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene copolymer (ABS) is skeleton and the largest mass material; it shall be marked as:
5.1.6 橡胶制品与热塑性弹性体制品标识
天然橡胶(NR)和丁苯橡胶(SBR)的混5.1.6 Marking for rubber and thermoplastic elastomer parts
The material marking for rubber and thermoplastic elastomer products shall give prominence to the major materials and mark in accordance with 5.1.1.
1)Example 1: Product comprising of natural rubber (NR) and styrene- butadiene rubber (SBR) shall be marked as:
2)Example 2:
The fuel tube product with chloroprene rubber (CR) as outer (major part) and nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) as inner shall be marked as:
Outer: >CR<
Inner: >NBR<or >CR,NBR<3)Example 3:
The cooling circulation tube with ethylene propylene diene monomer as inner (major part) and chlorosulfonated polyethylene as outer shall be marked as:
Inner: >EPDM<
Outer: >CSM<or >EPDM,CSM<4)Example 4:
The dust cover of automobile steering knuckle made of Copolyester thermoplastic elastomer (TPC) shall be marked as:
5)Example 5:
The automobile bumper made of Olefinic thermoplastic elastomer shall be marked as:
5.2 标识的大小
标识中的符号和字母高度应不小于3 mm,可与零件名称的字母等同或稍大。如图1所示。5.2 Size of marking letters
The height of letters should be at least 3mm. However, it should be more than or equal to the size of part number.
图1 标识大小示例
Fig1 Example of letter
5.3 标识的位置  5.3 Marking location
5.3.1 材料的标识应不影响制品的使用性能,不削弱或破坏部件的强度和结构。5.3.1 Material identificati
on mark shall be placed in such a manner that it does not effect on the service performance, not weaken or damage the strength and structure of the part.
5.3.2 当材料标识有可能削弱或破坏部件的强度和结构时,相关的汽车零部件制造商应与本公司主管部门进行协商5.3.2 When there is a possibility that material identification mark shall weaken or damage the strength and structure of the part, correlative automobile and parts manufacturers should negotiate with the charge of design department of SMTC.
5.3.3 材料的标识应清晰可见,且当部件从车辆上拆取下来或拆分为一个单独的零件时,其材料的标识应能容易识别。5.3.3 Material identification mark shall be located at an easily noticeable location of the part and can still be easily read when the part