Green Source Electric Vehicle Painting Process.
The painting process for Green Source electric vehicles is a multi-step process that ensures a high-quality, durable finish. The following is a detailed overview of the process:
1. Surface Preparation.
The first step is to prepare the surface of the vehicle for painting. This involves cleaning the surface to remove any dirt, grease, or other contaminants. The surface is then sanded to create a smooth, even surface for the paint to adhere to.
2. Primer Application.
Once the surface has been prepared, a primer is applied. The primer helps to protect the metal from corrosion and provides a base for the paint to adhere to. The primer is applied in
a thin, even coat and allowed to dry completely.
3. Base Coat Application.
Once the primer has dried, the base coat is applied. The base coat is the main color of the vehicle and is applied in several thin coats. Each coat is allowed to dry completely before the next coat is applied.
4. Clear Coat Application.
Once the base coat has been applied, a clear coat is applied. The clear coat protects the base coat from scratches and fading and gives the vehicle a glossy finish. The clear coat is applied in several thin coats and allowed to dry completely before the vehicle is assembled.
5. Quality Control.
Once the painting process is complete, the vehicle is inspected for any defects. Any defects are repaired and the vehicle is then sent to the assembly line.
1. 表面处理。
2. 底漆喷涂。
3. 底漆喷涂。
4. 清漆喷涂。
5. 质量控制。