摘 要
AGV即自动导引小车,它集声、光、电、计算机技术于一体,综合了当今科技领域先进的理论和应用技术,属于移动式机器人的一个分支。在柔性制造系统和自动化工厂中用来组成高效、快捷的物流系统,可极大的提高生产自动化程度和生产效率,是一种非常有发展前途的物流输送设备。本文介绍AGV在国内外发展现状和应用情况,结合实验室实际条件,设计了光学导引式AGV样机。其主要工作内容包括:小车机械本体设计、 89C51单片机控制系统硬件电路及检测电路设计、控制系统软件设计。
关键词:AGV; 自动导引; 光学导引; 89C51单片机
This topic is designed to automatically move the delivery of Automated Guided Vehicles usin
g the technology for the simulation of our automatic production line, the main function is the delivery tray. Auto-mobile delivery of flexible production line car belonging to the emerging system of logistics equipment, that is, automated guided vehicle, the English referred to as AGV. Therefore, the design will be fully in the research and application of contemporary AGV technology.
Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV) covers the technologies of Optics, Electronics technologies Acoustics and Computer Science and other advanced theories and in the current scientific and technical fields, and it is one of the offshoots of mobile robot. AGV can greatly improve the degree of automatism and the efficiency of production when it is used to build an effective and speedy system of logistics in the flexible manufacturing system and automatic factory, and is a promising vehicle for the transportation of logistics.The paper studies the applications and developments of ALJV at home and abroad, and designs a laser guided AGV under actual conditions of the lab. The main work of the paper is as follows. The mechanical design of AIJV, the design of control system of hardware circuit and software based on 89C51 SCM.
Key works: AGV; automatic guide; laser guide; AT89C51 SCM