由于所设计的数字气体报警器采用单片机AT89C51,其价格便宜,性能稳定,易于产品化。以GS气体传感器和AT89C51 单片机为核心, 设计气体泄漏报警器,该报警器设计方法简单易行,使用效果良好,下面给出了气体泄漏报警器的总体设计原理,关键的硬件电路和所有的软件程序设计。
关键词: 一氧化碳;  气体泄露报警器;  AT89C51单片机;  GS气体传感器
The design of the GS series of sensors, will be placed on the test environment measured the concentration of gas converted to analog voltage, and then through the ADC0809 will be converted to analog voltage digital signal, into the SCM AT89C51 in the process. To users of gas concentrations in real-time understanding, AT89C51 will be linked three 74 LS164 externally  as the three LED display static display interface, and the MCU RXD as the output data line, TXD as a shift clock pulse. 74LS164 TTL is a one-way 8-bit register displacement which can be realized enter serial, parallel output, through the 8-bit shift register 74 LS164 can be static display. By setting the alarm level, the MCU control LED and music IC alarm at the same time.SCM control use of technology, produced a program-controlled carbon monoxide alarm. The instrument of carbon monoxide (CO) for real-time monitoring, when the concentration of carbon monoxide  is more than allowed value, the control circuit for alarm, and through an external electromagnetic valve row fans and their p
汽车警报器rogram-controlled, to prevent accidents. In addition procedures to prevent a cycle of death, also used x25045 watchdog circuit chip composed of a death in the process so that when the MCU reset cycle, instead of the whole system off, thereby protecting the hardware circuit.
      As designed by the number of gas alarm using SCM AT89C51, it is cheap, stable performance, easy-production. GS to gas sensors and AT89C51 microcontroller as the core design of gas leakage alarm, the alarm system design method is simple, use good effect, the following is a gas leakage alarm the general design principles, the key hardware and all The software program design.
Keywords:  CO;    Leaking gases alarm;    AT89C51 microcomtuper; 
GS Gases Sensors
摘要    I
Abstract    II
1 绪论    1
  1.1研究背景及意义    1
  1.2研究目标及实现功能    2
1.3研究方案    3
1.4我国报警器行业的发展    4
2 单片机相关知识介绍    6
  2.1单片机中断与复位    6
  2.2AT89C51单片机对ADC0809的接口    8
3 硬件部分的设计及调试    9
  3.1硬件部分的设计    9
3.1.1系统的组成    9
3.1.2系统各模块功能    9
3.1.3系统的控制    12
3.2硬件电路的调试    12
4 软件部分的设计及调试    13
  4.1软件部分的设计    13
4.1.1主程序    14
4.1.2调零子程序    15
4.1.3显示子程序    16
4.1.4报警子程序    17
4.1.5中断取值子程序    19
4.2软件程序的调试    22
结论    41
致谢    23
参考文献    24
附录    25
科技文章摘译    35
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义
而且,气体报警器的研发对于防止煤矿事故也是至关重要的,据权威部门统计,仅去年煤矿事故死亡人数就高达3786人,同时也造成了巨大的经济损失。我国特大煤矿事故也是非常严重的,例如2005年12月,河北唐山刘官屯煤矿发生特别重大瓦斯煤尘爆炸事故,造成108名矿工死亡,29人受伤,直接经济损失4800多万元。同年9月1日,黑龙江省双鸭山矿务局东保卫煤矿发生瓦斯爆炸事故,14人遇难。 9月5日,山西省大同矿业集团公司永定庄煤矿发生特大瓦斯爆炸事故,死亡31人。9月27日,贵州省水城矿务局木冲沟煤矿发生特大恶性瓦斯爆炸事故,162人死亡。这是近40年来最严重的一次煤矿事故。11月5日,吉林省辽源矿务局西安矿矿办小井发生瓦斯爆炸事故,死亡31人,造成严重经济损失。11月25日,内蒙古自