China's auto industry entered a rapid development stage, the market active. And the development of the new car market, must be based on solid circulation of second-hand car market, compared with developed countries, used car market in China started relatively late, in the late 1990 s, its reason depends on the development of the new car market. Car in the average cycle for five or six years, and our country automobile trading around 2003 blowout. Now for the past eight years, car sales market has experienced a steady development stage, and the development of the new car market for the used car market has brought ample supply. Second-hand car market which in turn become necessary supplement new car market. The situation of second-hand car market also presents the f
ast growth. However, in the short more than ten years, and at the same time exposed many problems in the development of second-hand car market. So used to our country development present situation and restricting factors of careful analysis, to guide the healthy and rapid development is particularly important in the future.
This paper first analyzes the development of second-hand car market at home and abroad, and then the article studies the domestic current situation of the second-hand car market, according to the analysis of current used in our country, combing the development of the used-car market in China, summarizes the problems existing in the used car market in China. And then analyzes the development trend of the current situation of the used-car market of our country, according to the characteristics of the market development in our country, to enumerate the used-car market development in our country some Suggestions, finally, summarizes the current situation of the development of second-hand car market of our country, the hope can through this topic research, to study China's used-car market groups or individuals to help.购置新能源汽车不再享受补贴
Key words: used-car market; Current situation of the development; Problem; Advice; trend
第1章引言 (2)
1.1二手车定义 (2)
1.2国内外二手车发展状况 (2)
1.2.1  国外二手车发展状况 (2)
1.2.2  国内二手汽车发展状况 (2)
第2章我国二手车现状及存在问题 (4)
2.1我国二手车市场现状 (4)
2.1.1  我国二手车总量规模 (4)
2.1.2  品牌二手车业务情况 (4)
2.1.3  国家的相关法规和政策 (4)
2.2我国二手车市场存在问题 (4)
2.2.1  准入门槛低 (4)
2.2.2  信息不对称导致的逆向选择 (4)
2.2.3  流通形式单一 (5)
2.2.4  评估缺乏标准与规范,评估行为随意性大 (5)
2.2.5  落后的服务的理念 (5)
2.2.6  繁琐的交易手续 (5)
2.2.7  二手车市场不完善的税收制度 (6)
2.2.8  厂家授权经销商二手车业务发展缓慢 (6)
2.2.9  交易市场收费不合理 (6)
第3章我国二手车市场发展趋势及其建议 (7)
3.1我国二手车市场发展趋势 (7)
3.1.1  现良好的增长势头 (7)
3.1.2  多种经营主体并存的局面将长期存在 (7)
3.1.3  二手车市场正在逐步走向成熟 (7)
3.2我国二手车市场发展建议 (7)
3.3.1  提高二手车市场准入门槛 (7)
3.2.2  将拍卖模式引入二手车市场,建立信息网络体系 (8)
3.2.3  建立科学规范的鉴定评估体系 (8)
3.2.4  简化交易手续,加强售后服务 (8)
3.2.5  政府政策的引导和规范 (8)
3.2.6  严格质量检验 (9)
3.2.7  搞好保修服务 (9)
3.2.8  创新管理模式 (9)
第4章总结 (10)
参考文献 (11)