A B  YT_kMy>__  
(be)subject to… 经受…  |\ ay^@_N  
(in) duplicate 一分两式  v!x[1___[_  
(to be) buttered  (焊接的)长肉  t__.w?OyO  
(to) drive piles 打桩  1e_J\_CdI_  
4:1 taperd transition bevel 四比一过渡坡口  sq^,l6_es>  
A resulting form B B导致 F __6O_l5  
A-60 fire door A-60级防火门  ug{F?LW__[  
abrasive (喷砂用的)磨料  ZibO_Ds=f;  
abrasive paper 砂纸  5 __9 09O_  
AC generator 交流发电机  YK-_R|z6K  
AC motor  交流发动机  @s/ q__Oq?  
accelerated corrosion testing 加速腐蚀试验  _$ _p0_s _  
acceptance criteria 合格准则  @@$ __TaI  
access hole(for welding) =cope hole (焊接)工艺孔 _|__N _g[^  
accommodation and power platform(APP) 生活动力平台  _p$V+IJtO(  
according to=in accordance with=in line with =as per =in the light of 按照 gV7o eZ5__  
acetylene gas 乙炔  3ty){_#:_  
acid electrode 酸性焊条  ^J G }|v3$  
acid proof cement 防酸水泥  _I|M*yObl6  
additive 添加剂  7_-Le_JRB_  
adhere to 遵守(动词)  LiRY _-;8=  
adherence to 遵守(名词)  _i_!iODt3k  
adjacent columns 相邻立柱  ,_i|_f8pZ  
adverse combination of loads 荷载的不利组合  ;CW$/^QNr5  
adverse condition 不利条件  1-n_0"lP~4  
aeronautical radio system航空无线电  us_A!MM_H4  
AFC(approved for construction) 建造批准  N7_Co;#(zK  
aforementioned 上述的  _"_f3>_20}  
aft winch 船艉绞车  _:
agitator 搅拌器  .DQ]q o]OG  
a-hundred-year return period 百年一遇  k_e_0_W_?_  
air blower 鼓风机  j_;3o9!.s:  
air compressor 空压机  _\9_p;m_d`  
air driven pump 气动泵  _*/)_gk=x8  
air hoister 气动绞车  c_Mv3` $__  
air manifold 气包  m
air tight test 气密性试验  __<fJ\AP_5  
aircraft obstruction beacon 航空障碍灯  |#
air-hose 风带  5*AKl<
alarm buzzer 报警蜂鸣器  _f/y K|[g~  
alarm horn 报警喇叭  F'I_6_aE%  
aliphatic polyurethanel 脂肪族聚氨脂漆  UwU]l 17_~  
allowable(working)stress 许用应力  #k)\e;_,X_  
Aluminum alloy anode 铝合金阳极  .yPx_'__e  
Aluminum ingot 铝锭  _^= G+]$8  
aluminum paint 银粉漆  9[__D7__N_  
aluminum sheet 铝皮  In&vh9_L_w  
ambient air temperature 环境气度  %Qq)=J<H ;  
ambient temperature 环境温度  Y>~JI;_Cu`  
anchor block 地锚块  _27:x5g__?  
anchor bolt 地脚螺拴  >_gJWp@6_V  
anchor ground  锚地  4__)I#[&f_  
anchor pile 锚桩  }c%_y0)fL_  
anchor profile/pattern 涂桩表面的粗糙度  s_A
anchor rack 锚架  MVZ>:G__9:  
anchoring buoy 锚泊浮筒  _K8Z_k{on_  
angle of incidence 入射角  (_N4_(r<o;  
angle of reflection 折射角  J-F_X_KqH  
angle probe method超声波斜射探伤  ^ {f ^WL=_  
angle steel 角钢  2]=I'U<E_!  
angle valve 角阀  j*d~h$[_ k  
anode core 阳极芯子  0!`7k_ZrN_  
anode end face geometry 阳极端面几何形状  ec_p_Up39\  
anode life 阳极寿命  _Tj5@Oc_A$  
anode potential 阳极电位  K-C__-+RB  
anode stand-off post 支架式阳极的立柱  QYXx7h r=$  
anodic resistance 路虎网站阳极电阻  ___O7'3}P;  
anticorrosive paint 防锈漆  -Jo :+__].  
anti-electrostatic floor 防静电地板   _iLcadX_  
antipollution measures 防污染措施  w_*%$ lhp!  
API specified requirements API规定的要求  `)__M\(___  
apparent batter 视斜度  ESjJ_HZoD(  
applicable API specification API适用范围  g*?+ ~0"`Y  
approach-departure sector 直升飞机起落扇行区  AN_Qa2swM_  
appurtenance =attachment =accessory =auxiliary 附件  Bi :w_P/>v  
arc air gouging 碳弧气刨  ?J_@qg2_0z  
arc cutting 电弧切割  _pkfOM"5'  
arc strike 弧击  i~B@(__,  
argon arc welding 氩弧焊  C_=aj__&  
argon arc welding machine 氩弧焊机  _xT?}wF_  
articulated tower mooring system 铰接塔系泊系统  )):_22}I_#  
artificial island 人工岛  |5B,__cB__  
as per 按照  _Y:!_/4GF  
as-built 完工  MRg\FR 2>1  
as-built dossier 完工资料  L_H/&
as-built drawing 完工图  -8Jl4F ,__  
as-built drawing 完工图  ___5Jhbf2-  
as-rolled 轧制状态  N_s|V7|n_]  
assemble 组装(动词 g t^_]32$_  
assembly 组装(名词 B
associated gas 伴生气  __3aE[F f[  
at the option of A A的意愿  T7lj39p_Jq  
Atmospheric diving system =unpressurized diving system 常压潜水系统  _b_ _y|?g8  
atmospheric vent 放空管  _%_%+mWz a  
attachments 附件  ____A_ eGG  
auto fire alarm system 火灾自动报警系统  _<_nw <v9Z  
automatic spraying system 自动喷淋系统  cb_h#E)[ '