Detroit's Plan: Export Cars and Import Chinese Investment
Even as Chinese auto makers shun the Detroit auto show, local officials and automotive industry players are hoping to transform Motor City into a hub for Chinese investment.
But one deal announced in recent days shows how competitive that task can be.
On Friday, Ohio officially announced it had won a $200 million investment from Chinese automotive glass manufacturer Fuyao Group Co. that will create 800 jobs over the next five years, according to a statement on Ohio Gov. John Kasich's website. Fuyao will buy a former General Motors Co. plant.
俄亥俄州州长卡西奇(John Kasich)网站上的一份声明显示,该州上周五正式宣布,赢得了中国汽车玻璃制造商福耀玻璃工业集团股份有限公司(Fuyao Group Co.,简称:福耀玻璃)价值上海华域汽车2亿美元的投资,这将在未来五年创造800个就业岗位。福耀玻璃将收购通用汽车公司(General Motors Co.)以前的一个工厂。
Chinese companies look at expansion in large, developed automotive markets such as the United States as a way to bolster their international competitiveness, experts say. Many Chinese car makers and auto-parts suppliers are trying to shed their reputation for poor quality and work toward meeting more-stringent safety and emissions requirements.
Fuyao already employs around 250 people in Michigan. A senior executive with Fuyao said the decision to choose Ohio for new investment was based on economics. The executive didn't elaborate.
Michigan officials at networking event of Chinese and U.S. automotive industry participants in Detroit on Sunday night were philosophical.
'We compete but whoever wins we congratulate them. It's just like any sport, ' said Kevin Kerrigan, the vice president of the automotive office at Michigan Economic Development Corp. Mr. Kerrigan said there were many more deals in the pipeline for the state, but wouldn't give specifics.
密歇根经济发展公司(Michigan Economic Development Corp.)汽车办公室副总裁克里根(Kevin Kerrigan)说,我们会展开竞争,但无论花落谁家,我们都会表示祝贺,这就像体育赛事一样。他说,密歇根州还有更多交易在酝酿中,但不愿做进一步说明。
By stressing the state's large talent pool of automotive engineers, Michigan is hoping to w
oo Chinese auto industry players in search of a North American base. The state is also home to many engineers that are Chinese nationals.
The Detroit Chinese Engineer Association has around 1, 600 registered members, according to Zifeng Nie, chairman of its technical council. He estimates the total number of Chinese engineers working in the Detroit area to be around five times that. There are around 87, 000 engineers in total in Michigan.
底特律中国工程师协会宝来1.8t报价(Detroit Chinese Engineer Association)专业委员会主席聂子锋表示,该协会有约1,600名注册会员。据他估计,在底特律地区工作的中国工程师总人数是该协会会员人数的五倍左右。密歇根州的汽车工程师总计约现代瑞纳三厢怎么样8.7万人。
While the city's reputation for crime can frighten Chinese, this perception is 'easily dismissed' once potential investors visit the Detroit area, said Mark Heusel, an attorney w
hose firm Dickinson Wright PLLC works with Chinese clients looking to invest or do business in the U.S. He was speaking Sunday shortly before the networking event.
律师休塞尔(Mark Heusel)周日在上述社交活动前不久说,尽管底特律“犯罪之都”的恶名可能吓坏中国人,但一旦潜在投资者参观底特律地区后,这种看法“很容易就消除了”。休塞尔所在的迪克森律师事务所(Dickinson Wright PLLC)与寻求在美国进行投资或开展业务的中国客户合作。
Mr. Heusel said another concern Chinese voiced was over the city's finances. Last year the city of Detroit filed for federal bankruptcy protection.
帕萨特评价Still, attractive real-estate prices help allay such fears. 'There's a belief that Detroit is better value than elsewhere and it does play into their decision making, ' said Mr. Heusel.
To date, total Chinese investment in the state is around $1 billion, of which 95% is in the automotive industry. Overall, the state ranks ninth in terms of Chinese investment received, according to data provided by MEDC.
15万以内家用车推荐More than 100 Chinese companies have a presence in Michigan, including General Motors Co.'s Chinese partner state-owned SAIC Motor, which has an office in Birmingham, MI that employs around 50 people and engages in import-export activities and strategic planning. State-owned First Auto Works also has a similar office in the state with around 15 employees.