职位职能:  人事专员 
职位描述/ Job Description:
· 负责公司员工的长远发展需求及员工配置和招聘、员工发展和考核、员工士气和奖惩、劳动关系管理等,
Responsible for the company's employees, long-term development needs and staff configuration and recruitment, staff development and evaluation, morale and rewards and punishments, labor relationship management,

主要职责/Major Responsibilities :
· 维护公司组织结构;
Maintain company's organization chart,
· 计划并实施公司员工招聘;
Plan company recruitment and ensure the execution.
· 参与建立实施公司的绩效考核体系,建立并维护公司跨级别跨部门沟通、
Implement company, participates in the establishment of the performance evaluation system, establish and maintain the cross level cross-functional communication,
· 建立并维护公司员工档案以及劳动合同的签订、变更、续签和终止
Establish the process to manage employee archives and employment contract conclusion, alteration, renewal and termination.
· 管理公司员工人事关系变更,包括入职、离职和调配
Implement employee enrolment, demission and transfer according to the process

任职条件 / Specialist Qualifications:
· 人力资源相关专业,本科以上学历,1年以上人事工作经验
Bachelor’s degree, major in human resource, more than 1 year HR work experience
· 熟练的英语书面与口头交流能力,通过大学英语四级
Proficiency in both written and spoken English communication
· 熟练的计算机技能
Good computer using skills
· 良好的沟通与人际协调能力
Good communication skills and interpersonal skills
· 能同时处理好多个任务
Be able to handle simultaneous affairs
HR Assistant人力资源部助理
Human Resource 人力资源部
英语 良好
法语 一般
学    历:
职位职能:  人事助理 
职位描述 / Position Description:
The Admin Assistant is to assist Director and support the whole team for daily work.
主要职责/Main Responsibilities:
· 处理日常事务并兼日常翻译
to deal with daily affairs and translation
· 协助总监日常行政事务,包括安排会议、差旅、报销、文档审批等;
Assist Director in daily administration, including meeting arrangement, travel, reimbursement, file signing, etc.
任职要求/ Qualifications:
· 本科以上学历
Bachelor's degree or above
· 2年以上外企相关工作经验
2 years above related working experience in multinational companies preferred
· 熟练的汉语/英语表达及书写能力,通过大学英语四级,懂法语者优先
Excellent Chinese/English language skills – written and spoken,pass CET-4,French preferred
· 熟练的Office 软件使用能力
Excellent Microsoft Office skills
C&B Supervisor薪资福利主管
职位职能:  薪资福利经理/主管 
职位描述/Position Description

· 负责管理薪资福利相关的日常工作,牵头公司重大薪资福利项目的计划和实施。Responsible for the total management of daily C&B work, Lead the major C&B related programs' planning and execution.

主要职责 Major Responsibilities:

· 建立并维护有竞争力的公司薪资福利体系
Develop/Maintain Competitive Salary Structure for the company.
· 员工考勤及薪资的管理
Supervise Timekeeping and payroll administration.
· 建立并维护公司员工福利体系及绩效考核体系
Develop/Maintain a competitive benefits system in the company And performance evaluation system

· 负责国际支持人员的相关管理
Supervise the international support employee management process.
· 保持公司和政府相关部门、人员的联系
Maintain and acquire adequate support from relevant government offices.
任职条件/ Qualifications:

· 本科以上学历
Bachelor or above.
· 四年以上的跨国企业的人力资源工作经验,有汽车工业相关工作背景优先
4+ years Human Resources experience with multinational companies, in automotive sector preferred.
· 熟练的英语表达及书写能力,通过大学英语四级
Excellent English language skills - written, spoken and reading,pass CET-4
· 良好的人际交往及沟通能力
Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills.
C&B Specialist薪资福利专员