作者:物流律师在线 |
一、Rule B 扣押令是什么? 扣押令是美国法中可用于取得管辖权和/或担保的程序性手段. 美国法院依据《海事诉讼请求补充规则》B规则(Fed.R.Civ.P.Supp.R.B)签发财产扣押令。 二、什么是可扣押的财产? 1 任何属于被告的财产. 2 最新适用Rule B规则的情形已经与电子金融转移系统(EFTs)有关 三、通常如何适用Rule B? 一旦原告获得扣押令,其可向纽约的银行递送该扣押令以冻结转移的美元 四、何时可以扣押? 1 当所涉及的财产或账户位于纽约区域内 2 当被告不在纽约南部区域内 3 所涉及的请求必须是海事请求,亦即必须在海事管辖权范围以内 4 合同案件中的海事管辖权 如果要成立海事合同关系,该合同必须与船舶运营、船舶航行或者船舶海上管理之间存有直接且实际的联系. 五、哪些是已经被确认为属于海事管辖权的合同类型 ? 1 货运或旅客运输合同 2 s.b.polo租船合同 3 修理合同 4 与船舶运营有关的必要补给 5 诸如拖航、引水、码头等服务 6 海事保险保单中的保费 五、哪些是已经被认为不属于海事管辖权中的合同类型? 1 新建船舶 2 船舶买卖 3 订立租约的中介费 4 船舶暂停运营时向其提供的服务 五、通过Rule B 可获得什么? 1 对被告的管辖权 2 为任何有利于申请人的判决或裁决提供担保 3 也可以仅仅用于为在美国或其他国家进行诉讼提供担保优势何在? 4 适用Rule B扣押可能会取得实际的战略优势 5 被告不能基于判决执行困难而期望降低和解金额 6 Rule B扣押令不仅仅是一个进攻性的手段,也经常可以促使双方尽快达成商业和解以避免对被告经营的影响 7 相对经济 六、有什么风险吗? 1 诉讼保全可以被撤销 2 若妥善起草起诉状起草,错误扣押的风险较低 3 反担保--由同一交易或基于事由产生的纠纷 4 Winterstorm案中所确立的适用范围可能被缩小,该案的先例也有可能被推翻 七、Rule B 的新发展 1 一些最新的地区法院的案件认为,买卖已经开始航运的船舶属于海事管辖范围。 2 纽约受理的Rule B案件数量迅猛增长 3 许多公司试图在纽约登记经营以避免Rule B扣押令。 4 2009年4月,纽约法院推出了“Model Rule B order”,以便原告律师今后用以附在其索赔之后,以便减少法官目前在处理数以百计的Rule B案件时所陷入的混乱。该model order旨在为Rule B attachment order的期限以及实际的货币扣押应保持有效的期限带来一致性,并表述了琐细但却非常重要的事项,例如让原告支付给代理行象征性的费用以使电汇的扣押生效。 八、美国法院关于适用“Rule B”规则的新判例: Marco Polo Shipping Co. Pte. Ltd v Supakit Product Co. Ltd一案中,案件的一方当事人向美国法院提起诉讼,由美国法院裁决扣押对方当事人在美国银行内的电子汇款作为财产保全。 2008年12月17日,原告向纽约南区法院提交了一份经公证过的控诉状(证明原告已经在新加坡向被告提起仲裁申诉),原告在控诉状中要求被告赔偿违约损失;同时向法院申请Rule B扣押令,以扣押被告在纽约的资产。法院在审核了原告提交的控诉状和宣誓书后,判定:原告的申请符合《海事诉讼请求补充规则》B规则的要求,故批准该申请,签发Rule B扣押令。 法院还判定:如果在规定的期限内(60天)没有扣押到任何被告资产,扣押令将自动终止;除非原告能在期限届满前提交一份宣誓书,阐述详细、充分的延期理由,但即使延长申请得到许可,延长期限也不会超过60天。之后,由于原告没有在期限内扣押到被告的资产,因此其向法院申请将Rule B扣押令的有效期限再延长60天。原告认为:没有任何理由相信被告不再从事经营活动,而且被告在过去的经营活动中使用美元结算,目前也十分活跃地在经营活动中使用美元结算,被告一定会有资金通过纽约的银行周转;基于以上理由,在未来有极大的可能性可以扣押到被告的资产。 纽约南区法院认为:为了申请扣押令延期,原告除了要满足《海事诉讼请求补充规则》B规则规定的条件外,还须向法院证明: 1、其已向被告提起了有效的海事申诉(包括诉讼和仲裁); 2、被告不在受案法院的管辖内; 3、被告在受案法院的管辖内拥有资产,并且该资产可以被查到; 4、扣押令不违反任何法令或海事法律的限制性规定。(源自:Aqua Stoli Shipping Ltd.v.Gardner Smith Pty Ltd.,2006 AMC 1872,1885,460 F.3d 434,445 2Cir.2006 案) 然而,除了《海事诉讼请求补充规则》B规则规定原告可以基于其所知的或者现有的信息而主张被告不在美国法院的管辖内之外,补充规则并没有对申请Rule B扣押令的上述所需证明事项提出任何证明标准,例如,原告怎样才能够证明,在未来某个时间,被告的资产能够在受案法院的管辖内被查到? 虽然在Winter Storm Shipping,Ltd.V.TPI,2002 AMC 2705, 2718-19,310F.3d 263,273(2 Cir.2002)案中,法院确定了一个标准:为取得扣押令,原告只须证明:未来某个时间,被告可能在受案法院的管辖内进行资金转账即可,但这个标准是十分含糊的。 现在,几乎在每个申请Rule B扣押令案中的被告都会有很大的可能性通过美国纽约的银行进行资金转账,若依据上述的证明标准,原告就可以轻易申请到扣押令,而Aqua Stoli案中确立的Rule B扣押令的申请条件也就没有意义了。 纽约南区法院认为: 原告没能在60天内扣押到被告的资产,说明被告当前并没有资产在纽约;并且原告也没能举出充分的事实依据来说明在未来某个时间,被告的资产将会存在于法院的管辖区域内。 原告提出的理由:“被告在以往的经营活动中使用美元结算,而且目前仍十分活跃地在经营活动中使用美元结算”只能证明被告将来有可能通过纽约的银行进行转账,但不能证明其一定会这么做。因此裁决驳回原告的延期申请。 九、Rule B 规定的出处: Federal Rules of Civil Procedure(2007) XIII. SUPPLEMENTAL RULES FOR CERTAIN ADMIRALTY AND MARITIME CLAIMS Rule B. In Personam Actions: Attachment and Garnishment (1) When Available; Complaint, Affidavit, Judicial Authorization, and Process. In an in personam action: (a) If a defendant is not found within the district, when a verified complaint praying for attachment and the affidavit required by Rule B(1)(b) are filed, a verified complaint may contain a prayer for process to attach the defendant's tangible or intangible personal property - up to the amount sued for - in the hands of garnishees named in the process. (b) The plaintiff or the plaintiff's attorney must sign and file with the complaint an affidavit stating that, to the affiant's knowledge, or on information and belief, the defendant cannot be found within the district. The court must review the complaint and affidavit and, if the conditions of this Rule B appear to exist, enter an order so stating and authorizing process of attachment and garnishment. The clerk may issue supplemental process enforcing the court's order upon application without further court order. (c) If the plaintiff or the plaintiff's attorney certifies that exigent circumstances make court review impracticable, the clerk must issue the summons and process of attachment and garnishment. The plaintiff has the burden in any post-attachment under Rule E(4)(f) to show that exigent circumstances existed. (d) (i) If the property is a vessel or tangible property on board a vessel, the summons, process, and any supplemental process must be delivered to the marshal for service. (ii) If the property is other tangible or intangible property, the summons, process, and any supplemental process must be delivered to a person or organization authorized to serve it, who may be (A) a marshal; (B) someone under contract with the United States; (C) someone specially appointed by the court for that purpose; or, (D) in an action brought by the United States, any officer or employee of the United States. (e) The plaintiff may invoke state-law remedies under Rule 64 for seizure of person or property for the purpose of securing satisfaction of the judgment. (2) Notice to Defendant. No default judgment may be entered except upon proof - which may be by affidavit - that: (a) the complaint, summons, and process of attachment or garnishment have been served on the defendant in a manner authorized by Rule 4; (b) the plaintiff or the garnishee has mailed to the defendant the complaint, summons, and process of attachment or garnishment, using any form of mail requiring a return receipt; or (c) the plaintiff or the garnishee has tried diligently to give notice of the action to the defendant but could not do so. (3) Answer. (a) By Garnishee. The garnishee shall serve an answer, together with answers to any interrogatories served with the complaint, within 20 days after service of process upon the garnishee. Interrogatories to the garnishee may be served with the complaint without leave of court. If the garnishee refuses or neglects to answer on oath as to the debts, credits, or effects of the defendant in the garnishee's hands, or any interrogatories concerning such debts, credits, and effects that may be propounded by the plaintiff, the court may award compulsory process against the garnishee. If the garnishee admits any debts, credits, or effects, they shall be held in the garnishee's hands or paid into the registry of the court, and shall be held in either case subject to the further order of the court. (b) By Defendant. The defendant shall serve an answer within 30 days after process has been executed, whether by attachment of property or service on the garnishee. (b) By Defendant. The defendant shall serve an answer within 30 days after process has been executed, whether by attachment of property or service on the garnishee. |
Rule B 扣押令 及其 新发展 文档
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