2023National English Competition
for College Students
(Type B-Preliminary)
Part I Listening Comprehension(30marks)
Section A(5marks)
Section B(10marks)
Section C(5marks)
Section D(10marks)
21.seek his fortune22.architectural drawing23.challenge
24.local landmarks25.Royal Academy
Part II Vocabulary&Grammar(15marks)
Part III Cloze(10marks)
Section A(5marks)
Section B(5marks)
Part IV Reading Comprehension(30marks)
Section A(10marks)
Section B(10marks)
56.They regarded the actor as one of them/someone belonging to their group.
57.It means something that is naturally built into the brain.
58.Through confirmation bias.
59.Getting them to engage in activities which improve their self-esteem results in a reduction in negative views towards outside groups.
60.If I am different from you,instead of treating you unfairly,I’ll help you.
Section C(10marks)
61.horse whispering62.fashionable/innovative63.ust65.better way
Part V Translation(15marks)
Section A(5marks)
66.“hearth and home(火炉与家)”是一个习语,表示传统的家庭价值观和家庭生活,直到五十年前人们
Section B(10marks)
67.In schools,as the class hours for physical education continue to increase,students study academic courses in class,and engage in physical activities on the playground.More than37million rural students receiving compulsory education have benefited from the student nutrition improvement program,and their physical health has markedly improved.In2018,92percent of students aged between14and19passed the physical fitness test,and the proportion of those rated good or excellent increased continuously.In neighbourhood communities,young people participate actively in mass sports,like running,swimming and various ball games.
Part VI IQ Test(10marks)
68.if he were the last man alive.
69.LMOP解析:All the others progress in the sequence,for example,K(+1)M(+1)OP
70.28。解析:Lowest average score=[21×80+(60-21)×0]÷60=28
72.D.解析:The first,third and fifth components turn round.
Part VII Error Correction (10marks)
For most of human history,humans have had to live with the body that nature
gave them.They lacked the knowledge to improve eyes that couldn ’t see clear,73.
or help ears that couldn ’t hear.Such disabilities were more than an inconvenient 74.for early humans;they were a threat to their existence.A person with impaired vision might not be able to hunt or work with tools,for example.Over time,the incentive to survive led people ∧develop devices that would
fix the errors in 75.their bodies.
During his 12th century travels through China,Marco Polo supposedly saw
people using eyeglasses.Soon,eyeglasses became into common use in Italy.
The object of the earliest lenses was to help people see things that were close
77.up so they could do tasks like carving or sewing.Soon after,lenses to help people see
became common.In the 18th century,the two types of lenses were combined in one pair of bifocal lenses so individuals who were arsighted needed just one pair of eyeglasses.Early glasses were held
in the hand or clip on the nose,held there by the tension of the stiff wire they 79.were made from.Mode
rn framed glasses,suspended from the ears by earpieces,were uncommon to the 19th century.Nowadays,other options are available but 80.still not wide used.Only a small proportion of people worldwide who need 81.vision correction opt for contact lenses,where lie on the surface of the eye.82.
Fortunately,corneal implants and laser surgery soon eliminate the need for
corrective devices altogether.clearly
inconvenience to came
objective clipped until
widely which Part VIII Writing Section A (10marks)Omitted Section B (20marks)
1.本题满分为Section A 10分;Section B 20分,按四个档次给分。
3.Section A 词数少于100词或多于130词的,Section B 词数少于160词或多于200词的,从总分中
第四档(很好):Section A9-10分;Section B16-20分
第三档(好):Section A6-8分;Section B11-15分
第二档(一般):Section A3-5分;Section B6-10分
第一档(差):Section A1-2分;Section B1-5分
Part I Listening Comprehension Section A
In this section,you will hear five short conversations.Each conversation will be read only once .A t the end of each conversation,one question will be asked,and you have fifteen seconds to read the four choices marked A ,B ,C and D ,and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.
1.W:It ’s been four weeks since your accident,hasn ’t it?So tell me how you are feeling.How ’s the pain in your legs?
M:My legs were really hurting me until last week,but that ’s worn off now,I ’m glad to say,so has the pain in my back.My shoulder ’s still fairly sore,though not as bad as it was,fortunately.W:I ’m pleased to hear that.Let ’s take a look at you,anyway.Question:Which part of the man ’s body hurts him at the moment?
2.W:How ’s the weather tomorrow,Andy?
M:Oh,now for tomorrow ’s weather.The day will start showery and windy.Those winds should disappear by
late morning,but the wet weather will continue until well into the evening.Although we might see some bright sunny periods between the showers early on,by midday it will be cloudy,with temperatures of no more than ten or twelve degrees centigrade.
Question:What will the weather be like tomorrow afternoon?
3.M:Can you tell me how much a ticket is for Saturday ’s performance of Macbeth ?
W:The front stalls and the circle are the most expensive at £16.50.The middle seats in the stalls cost £15
and the back three rows cost £12.50,but the view isn ’t so good.All seats are £10for students.
M:I ’ll have one in the middle,please.I ’m not a student.I ’ve got my credit card to pay for it.Question:How much is the man ’s ticket?
4.W:Hi,Abbott.It ’s Maria.There ’s a really good programme you might like to watch on TV tonight —at
nine.That presenter you like,the woman who films elephants in Africa —she ’s doing a special
M:Is she going back to Africa?
W:Well,this time she ’s visiting the South Pole,to study some of the wildlife there.It looks like they had a
difficult time making the programme.The weather was so bad,they couldn ’t fly there ...it took two
2023National English Competition
for College Students
(Type B -Preliminary)
weeks just to get there by ship.
M:That’ll be interesting,thanks!
Question:What’s the television programme about?
5.M:Good morning,Amy.Any news?
W:Yes.I’ve persuaded our export manager to agree on a reduction of ten percent.He made this an exception with an eye to future business.
M:Good.We certainly appreciate your making these concessions for us.
W:May I repeat15Tunnel Drillers,specifications as shown in the technical data,at57,000Swiss Francs each,F.O.B.European Main Ports?Business is closed at this price.
M:Yes,that’s right.Shall we go over the other terms and conditions of the transaction to see if we agree on all the particulars?
Question:What contributes to the discount on the price of Tunnel Drillers?
Section B
In this section,you will hear two long conversations.Each conversation will be read only once.A t the end of each conversation,there will be a one-minute pause.During the pause,read the questions and make your answers on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.
Conversation One
Listen to the conversation.Then read the four choices marked A,B,C and D,and decide which is the best answer according to what you hear.Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.
M:Daphne,where did your idea for the charity cycle ride originate?
W:Actually,as far as the cycling’s concerned,for a short period when I was13I cycled to school,but since then,over the course of30years,I’d had no interest in bikes whatsoever.But browsing through a Soil
A ssociation magazine,I read about the Great Organic Bike Ride and decided to participate.Why?Well,it was a personal challenge,but above all it was a way of raising money for The Soil Association,which needs funds to help increase the amount of home-grown organic food.At present,just three percent of UK farmland is organic.I mean,seventy percent of our organic food has to be imported.I thought participating in the bike ride would give me the opportunity to tell more and more people about the importance of organic food production,and I thought cycling couldn’t be that hard,could it?
M:Tell us a little bit about the ride itself.
W:Well,the ride took place in May,and the participants rode from Bilbao to Barcelona.Helen Simmons from the Soil Association who also participated brilliantly organized the UK end of the trip,but once in Spain,a specialist tour operator took over.They focus mainly on walking and biking holidays.Anyway, the participants met for the first time in the ferry departure terminal at Portsmouth.Everyone kept their thoughts to themselves,but we were all thinking the same thing:did I train enough?Can I do it?