选修八    Module 4
1The building was easily ________ (易于识别的) as a prison.
2The question of the origin of the universe is still hotly ______ (讨论) by scientists.
3What she said ________ (使……信服) me that I was mistaken.
4Old churches have a certain strange ________ (吸引力) for me.
5If you ________ (挑选) something, you choose it from a number of things of  the same kind.
6These materials can r________ heat very well.
7I recognized her i________ I caught a glimpse of her.
8To finish the work on time really c________ with me.
9I thought she would be small and pretty, but she's completely the o________.
10She a________ a knowledge of English by careful study.
答案:1.recognizable 2.debated 3.convinced 4.fascination
5select 6.resist 7.instantly 8.counts 9.opposite 10.acquired
1His performance didn't really ________ his usual high standard.
2Jack's been ________ of severe headaches recently.
3A good knowledge of English has to be ________.
4The twins are so alike that we can't ______ them ________.
5We are very ________ about what we let the children watch on TV.
6I like all colours, but I like red ________.
7He is my student. ________ I am also to blame for his breaking the law.
8We'll go outing ________ the weather is good.
9The problem ________ deciding when to start it.
10It's not early. Let's ________ our business.
答案:1e up to 2plaining 3.acquired 4.tell; apart
5selective 6.in particular 7.In this sense 8.as long as
9lies in 10.get down to
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ what you do.
She often ________ ________ her boss ________ her low pay.
What ________ you ________ ________ for them?
I couldn't ________ ________ him the secret.
It's three years ________ ________ he joined the army.
答案:1.It doesn't matter to me 2plains to; about/of 3.convinced; to vote 4.resist telling 5.ever since
1Haven't you ________ down to your article yet?
Agone              Bcome
Ctaken                      Dgot
答案:D get down to sth.表示开始/着手做……”go down倒下;落下come down崩塌,坍塌take down拆除,拆掉ABC三项均不符合题意,故选D
2This kind of fish can grow ________ 15 feet.
Aas high as                  Bas long as
Cas far as                      Das low as
答案:B 句意:这种鱼能长到15英尺长。as long as……一样长,长达,据句意选B
3Three students are ________ for the English competition.
Achosen                      Bselected
Celected                      Dpicked
答案:B 句意:3位学生被选出参加英语竞赛。choose表示一般的选择select 精选,含有选出后其余被淘汰之意;elect强调政治彩的竞选pick强调采摘,据句意答案为B
4The thing that ________ is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not.
Amatters                      Bcares
Cconsiders                  Dminds
答案:A matter为不及物动词有关系,要紧。而care关心consider考虑,认为mind介意,均不合语境。
5If people feel hopeless, they don't bother to ________ the skills they need to succeed.
Aadopt                      Bacquire
Caccumulate                  Dassemble
答案:B 句意:人们若感到无望,就不会费心学习并获得成功需要的技能。由后面的need可推知此处应为一个表示获得的词。故答案为B。而adopt采纳,收养accumulate积累assemble()集合,组装,均不符合题意。
6He said that if we made any more noise he'd ________ the police.
Acomplain                  Bcomplain to
s.b.poloCcomplain about              Dcomplain of
答案:B 句意:他说如果我们再弄出噪音,他就向警察投诉。complain是不及物动词,所以要与介词搭配才能接宾语complain to sb.向某人投诉,抱怨complain about sth.抱怨某事complain of诉说(病痛等)
7________ that he was right, we all supported him.
AConvincing                  BConvinced
CTo convince                  DHaving convinced
答案:B be 相信……”,本句可转换成Because we were ACD三项均表示主动,不合语境。
8Seeing the toy, the girl couldn't resist ________ to touch it.
Areach out                  Bto reach out
Creaching out                  Dbeing reached out
答案:C can't resist doing sth.禁不住做某事。句意:看见那玩具,小女孩忍不住伸出手去摸摸它。
9They ________ building the new hotel because of the great cost.
Aobjected                  Baccused
Copposed                  Dagainst
答案:C oppose doing反对,反抗accuse sb. of sth.指控某人某事object to sth.反对against是介词,不能作谓语动词,如表反对的意思需用be against。故选C
10As soon as we got there, we ________ repairing the machine.
Abegan to                  Bstarted to
Cdecided to                  Dgot down to
答案:D begin, startdecide后均接不定式作宾语,而get down toto为介词,后接动名词或名词作宾语,意为开始、着手做某事,符合句意,故答案为D
Nowadays, Korea is influenced by American culture. If you visit Seoul (汉城), you will see a lot of fast food stores in each avenue,  places such as KFC, McDonald's, and Burger King.
You will also be surprised to see many western style clothes which are different from our traditional clothes such as the Han Bouk. When you go around department stores, you can see many young students waiting in line to buy famous brands such as 96 New York jeans, Guess, Polo, Guest, Channel, and Cartiers. It is hard to find clothes which represent (代表) traditional Korean culture. There are only a few stores which sell traditional clothing, and these stores are starting to disappear.