book5 unit 5 first aid for burns
授课 董红英
  一、teaching aims:
1. knowledge aims:
(1) get the students to learn some useful words and expressions in the passage;
2. ability aims:
(1) enable the students to learn how to use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly;
(2) let the students learn the reading skills of getting the main idea of each para  part;
(3) train the students’ reading abilities, such as skimming and scanning;
(4) to develop the students’ ability to get the text information through reading practice;
(5) to develop the students’ speaking skills;
(6) to challenge the students to express a real-life even and share experiences with others in the topic.
3. morality aims:
(1) enable the students to be brave, calm when facing such accidents and know how
to give first aid in different situations;
(2)develop students’ sense of cooperative learning and their abilities of discovery;
(3)to motivate the students to concern about others and their safeties
二、key points and difficult points
key points: (1). get the students to imitate the pronunciation and the intonation.
(2). to arouse their interest in the lesson.
(3). improve the ss’ reading abilities and develop their reading skills.
(4). to develop students’ speaking skills in describing a specific situation where they make stories
with the first aid treatment they have learnt in this lesson.
difficult points: (1).to improve the ss’ reading abilities and develop their reading skill
s; .(2). to help the ss use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly.
(3). to develop students’ speaking skill in describing a specific situation where they make
stories with first aid treatment in this lesson.
三、teaching procedures:
step 1:watching and thinking
1. i will begin the lesson by playing a video and help the students to find out “what happened to the boy? what did the man do before a doctor can be found?”, which is to lead in the topic: “first aid”, and get the students ready for the further discussion “what is first aid?”. help the students to get the answer “first aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found”, and explain the new word “temporary---lasting or serving for a time only,
not permanent”.
(2) while helping the students finish all the exercises, i will carry out a competition: divide the students into four groups, and the one who stand up fast and give the right answer can get 1 mark for his\her group, the group which gets the highest mark will get a present.
step 2:fast reading
1. give the students a minute and some tips to help them divide the passage into 5 parts and find out the main idea of each part.
1. how many parts can the passage be divided into?
2. what is the main idea of each part?
part 1  a. the characteristics of three kinds of burns
part 2  b. the three types of burns
part 3  c. different first aid treatment for different burns
part 4  d. the functions of the skin
part 5  e. how we get burned
step 3:careful reading
1. get the students finish some comprehensive exercises, and help them to get the key information of each part. try to make the students finish these exercises creatively and actively;
1). listen to the tape of part1 and find out: the functions of skin
1. protect you against  poisons and the sun’s harmful rays;
2. keep you .
4. give you .
2). listen to the tape of part2 and find out the causes of burns 3). listen to the tape of part3 and find out: types of burns
there are three types of burns depending on which layers are burned.
first degree burns affect only the _____ layer and should feel better within _______________.
second degree burns affect both the top and the_______ layer. these burns are serious and take ______________ to heal.
third degree burns affect all three layers and any ______ and organs under the skin. they are very severe injuries and the victim must get to hospital at once.
4). listen to the tape of part 4 and find out the characteristics of burns
5). listen to the tape of part 5 and find out the treatment for first aid
1. ________ clothing and jewelry near the burns.
2. ______ the burns with cool but not icy water.