Weight per non-drive axle
Weight per drive
Lorry 2 axles Lorry 3 axles Road Train 4 axles
Road Train 5 axles and +
Articulated Vehicle 5 axles and +
Albania 10 11.5 (3) 18 26 (2) 36 40 44 Armenia 10 10 18 22 36 (19) 36 (19) 36 (19) Austria 10 11.5 18 26 36 40 40 Azerbaijan 10 10 18 24 36 42
44 Belarus 10 10 / 11.5 18 / 20 25 38 / 40 40 / 42 42 / 44 Belgium
10 12 19 26 39 44 44 (1) Bosnia-Herzegovina 10 11.5 19 26 38 40
Bulgaria 10 11.5
18 26 (2) 36
40 40 Croatia
10 11.5 18 24 36 40 40 Czech Republic 10 11.5 18 26 (2) 36 44 (2) 42 / 48 Denmark 10 11.5 (3) 18 26 (2, 3) 38 42 / 48 42 / 48 Estonia 10 11.5 18 26 (2) 36 (4)
40 (5) 40 Finland (6) 10 11.5 18 26 (2) 36 44 / 60 (7)
42 / 48
France 13 13 19 26 38 40 40 FYROM 10 11.5 18 24 31 40 40
Georgia 10 11.5 44 44
44 Germany 10 11.5 18 26 (2) 36 40 40 Greece 7 / 10 13 19 26 33 40 40 Hungary 10 11.5 18 25 30 40
40 / 44 (8)
Iceland 10 11.5 18 26 (2) 36 40 44 Ireland 10 11.5 (9) 18 26 (2) 36 44 (2)
44 (2)
Italy 12 12 18 26 (2) 40
44 44 Latvia
10 11.5 18 26 (2) 40 40 40
Liechtenstein 10 11.5 18 26 36 40 40 Lithuania 10 11.5 18 26 (2) 36 40
40 / 44 (10)
Luxembourg 10 12 (11)
19 26 44
44 44 Malta 10 11.5 18 25 36 40 40 / 44 (8)
Moldova 10 10 18 24 36 40 40 Montenegro
10 16 24 36 40 40
Netherlands (12) 10 11.5 21.5 33 40 50 50 Norway 10 11.5 19 26 37 42
10 11.5 18 26 (2) 36
40 40 Portugal (4) 10 12 19 26 37 40 40
Romania 10 11.5 18 25 36 40 40 Russia 10 10 18 25 (2) 36 38 38
Serbia 10 11.5 18 26 32 40 40 Slovakia 10 11.5 18 26 (2) 36 40
Slovenia 10 11.5 18 26 (2) 36
40 40 Spain 10 11.5 18 26 36 40 44 (13) / 42 (14)
Sweden 10 11.5 18 26 (2) 38 48/60 (10) 48/60 (10)
Switzerland 10 11.5 18 26 (2) 36 40 40 Turkey 10 11.5 18 25/26 (16)
36 40 40/44 (10)
16 (17)
22 (17)
38 (17)
38 (17)
38 (17) United Kingdom 10 11.5 18 26 (2) 36 40 (18)
40 / 44 (10, 18)
1. 2 axles tractor + 3 axles semi-trailer: mechanical suspension = 43t ; pneumatic suspension = 44t
2. With air suspension or similar
3. Weight per drive axle: national traffic = 10t; international traffic = 11.5t; Lorry 3 axles: national traffic = 24t; international traffic = 26t
4. 3 axle tractor + 1 axle trailer = 35t
5. 3 and + axles tractor + 3 and + axles trailer = 44t
6. For vehicles registered in an EEA member country
7. 5 axles = 44t; 6 axles = 56t; 7 axles = 60t
8. 44t is applicable for 40 feet long ISO containers
9. Weight per drive axle: mechanical suspension (national traffic) = 10.5t; road friendly suspension (national traffic) = 11.5t;
international traffic =11.5t
10. For vehicles engaged in combined transport
11. Weight per drive axle: mechanical suspension = 11.5t
12. Under specific conditions EMS (European Modular System) combinations may have a maximum length of 25.25 m and maximum mass of 60t
13. 3-axle motor vehicle with 2 or 3 axle semi-trailer carrying a 40 feet ISO container as a combined transport operation
14. 2 axle motor vehicle with 3 axle semi-trailer carrying a 40 feet ISO container as a combined transport operation
15. 5 axles = 48t; 6 axles = 58t; 7 axles = 60t
16. With the conditions laid down in Regulation for type approval.
17. Container trucks 2 axles = 18t; 3 axles = 24t; road train 4 axles, 5 axles and + and articulated vehicles 5 axles and + =44t; container trucks licensed
by the state Motor Road service of Ukraine and State traffic Inspection Department: road trains and articulated vehicle 5 axles and + = 46t
18. For general operation at 44t, at least 6 axles are required. The drive axle(s) must not exceed 10.5t and have twin tyres / road friendly suspension.
Vehicles not having road friendly suspension on the drive axle(s) must have twin tyres and a maximum axle weight not exceeding 8.5t. Each part of the combination must have at least 3 axles and the trailer must have road friendly suspension 19. Above the authorized weight of 36 tonnes, each additional tone is subject to a fine of 55 AMD (1 USD=364 AMD) per km