






    【第四章】预批量物流管理信息系 略



    【第七章 - 参考文献】预批量物流信息体系建设研究总结与参考文献


      摘 要


    外资车企跑马圈地、频繁落子,自主品牌蓄势待发, 收复旧山河,经济全球化和需求多

      基于平台化和模块化开发,公司有望将产品研发周期由 4 年缩短一半至 2 年,但是,对于作为产品研发向市场投放过渡的预批量过程所需要的时间,无论是平台化还是模块化,都没有明显的作用,远达不到同比缩短 50%的目标。


并建立相应的 OA 方案,通过业务流程方案的再造实现消除软性物流周期的理论可行性。

      2.依托电子商务的模式,建立基于 internet 的一体化协同平台,实现对计划、订货、磋商、发货、在途跟踪、到货、仓储管理、备货、上线等全环节系统化管理。

      3.研究预批量物流中引入 3PL 的业务难点及系统化解决方案,充分借助 3PL 的专业性及资源,提升预批量物流效率和降低物流成本。


      目前,一汽-大众已经建立基于该系统方案的预批量物流信息系统,并在长春、成都、佛山三地六厂实施,完全达到系统开发的预期,将预批量物流周期由 8 周缩短为 1周,实现每周体现一轮质量优化,从物流的角度加速了整车质量的优化的进度。




      Foreign-funded auto enterprises are enclosing and staking frequently, Own-brand isp
oised for take-off. To receive the market share, economic globalization and diversificationof demand and personalized, for all enterprises, are challenges and opportunities, and graspthe opportunities, the key is how to quickly respond to market demand changes. For thatreason, easy to see why the end of the 2014 when the auto enterprises published the 2020strategy, all will shorten the product development cycle as the core strategy.

      Platform and modular is the choice for most car enterprises, through the platform andmodularization, is expected to be product development cycle from four years shortened totwo years. However, for the time of the pre-series phase of the product development tomarket transition, whether the platform or modular, shorten the time are not obvious, far lessthan the target of shorten 50%.

      This paper will be to eliminate the bottleneck of the pre-series process in logistics cycleas the goal , take the pre-series logistics management information system project of a autoenterprise as the background, base on the model of the pre-series logistics informationsystems research and practice are carried out:

科尼赛克one      1. The plan, financing, storage and onto production line will be integrated by BPR, andestablish the corresponding OA program. The theoretical feasibility of eliminating the softlogistics cycle is realized through the BPR.

      2. Relying on e-commerce model and internet platform, make the plan, order, negotiate,delivery, transition tracking, arrival of goods, warehouse management, inventorymanagement , stocking and onto production line system management.

      3. Studying the difficulties and solutions of 3PL in the pre-series logistics, make full useof the 3PL to improve the efficiency and reduce cost.

      4. Depth of Internet + bar code technology to achieve full data monitoring, to providereal-time, high quality data support for the companys relevant departments.

      At present, the enterprise has already established the system model based on the systemmodel, and has carried on the trial run in its Chengdu factory, and has broken the bottleneckof the time of the pre - series stage.

      Keywords:BPR, Electronic Business, Information system


      目 录

      第 1 章 绪论

卖车估价      1.1 研究背景

      1.2 研究意义

      1.3 研究内容

      1.4 研究方法

      第 2 章 国内外物流业发展状况研究

      2.1 现代物流核心概念

      2.2 物流业发展现状梳理

      2.3 现代物流的发展趋势研究

      第 3 章 一汽-大众预批量物流发展现状

      3.1 预批量物流核心环节

      3.2 预批量物流主要问题

      3.3 预批量物流对新车型投放的影响

      第 4 章 预批量物流管理信息系 略

      4.1 采用 Bar-code 技术

      4.2 具备强大的数据运算能力

      4.3 基于 internet 的电子商务理念

      4.4 充分考虑引入 3PL 的远景

      4.5 其他核心功能战略

      第 5 章 预批量物流业务流程再造

      5.1 预批量物流核心业务整合

      5.2 预批量物流核心业务流程再造

      第 6 章 预批量物流管理信息系统方案

      6.1 需求计划

      6.2 零件订货

      6.3 评审发货

      6.4 入库验收

      6.5 整车备货

      第 7 章 以提高物流效率缩短试生产周期策略分析

      7.1 系统实施状态

      7.2 策略效果分析

      第 8 章 总 结


      致 谢
