Lesson17 Always young青春常驻
1. Is your aunt Jennifer an actress or a nurse?
2. Is she over thirty years old or is she under thirty years old?
3. Does she often appear on the stage as a young girl or not?
4. Will Jennifer act the part of a girl of seventeen in a new play soon or not?
5. Does she ever tell anyone how old she really is or not?
Answer these questions in not more than 50 words.
Lesson18 He often does this! 他经常干这种事!
1.    Did the writer have lunch at a village pub or not?
2.    Could she find her bag after her meal or not?
3.    Could she pay the bill or not?
4.    Who soon found it for her?
5.    Where had his dog taken it?
Answer these questions in not more than 40 words.
Lesson19 Sold out 票已售完
1.    When was the play going to begin?
2.    How many tickets did you ask for?
3.    Were there any left or not?
4.    Were Susan and you disappointed or not?
5.    Who hurried to the ticket office just then?丰田汽车公司
6.    How many tickets did he return?
hrt车队7.    Were they for that day’s performance, or were they for next Wednesday’s performance?
8.    Did you buy them or not?
Answer these questions in not more than 50 words.
Lesson20 One man in a boat独坐孤舟
1. What is the writer’s favourite sport?
2. What do some unlucky fishermen catch?
3. Is the writer as lucky as they are, or is he not so lucky?
4. Does he ever catch anything?
5. Is he really interested in fishing?
6. What is the only thing that interests him?
Answer these questions in not more than 50 words.
Lesson21 Mad or not? 是不是疯了?
1.    Is the writer slowly going mad or not?上海英之杰雷克萨斯
2.    Where does he live?
3.    What can be heard night and day?
4.    Have most of his neighbors left their homes or not?
5.    Has he been offered money to leave or not?
6.    What is he determined to do?
7.    What does everyone say?
8.    Are they probably right or wrong?
Answer these questions in not more than 50 words.
Lesson22 A glass envelope 玻璃信封
1.    When did Jane cross the Channel?
2.    What did she throw into the sea?
3.    What did it contain?
4.    What did she receive ten months later?
5.    Do they write to each other regularly now or not?
6.    Do they send their letter by post, or do they send them in bottles?
Answer these questions 悦动2012款报价in not more than 55 words.
Lesson23  A new house 新居
1.    What will your sister do next year?
2.    Will she get a surprise if she comes or not?
3.    Have you a new house in the country or not?
4.    Have you invited your sister to stay with you or not?
5.    Is it a very modern house, or is it an old house?
6.    Has it got many large rooms and a lovely garden or not?
Answer these questions in not more than 50 words.
Lesson24 It could be worse 不幸中之万幸
1.    How much money had you just lost?
2.    How did you feel?
3.    Did you tell the manager about it or not?
4.    Could he do anything or not?
5.    What did he begin complaining about?
6.    Who came in with the money just then?
7.    Where had she found it?
8.    Is there still some honesty in this world or not?
Answer these questions in not more than 55 words.
Lesson 25 Do the English speak English?
1. Did you arrive at a railway station in London or not? Did you ask a porter the way to your hotel or not? Could he understand you or not? (and … but)
2. Did he understand you at last or not? Could you understand his answer? (but)
3. Did your teacher ever speak English like that or not?
4. What did the porter say to you?
5. Does each person speak a different language in England or not?
6. Do they understand each other or not? Do you understand them? (but)
Answer these questions in not more than 70 words.
Lesson 26 The best art critics最佳艺术评论家
1. Does the writer study art or does he study music? Does he paint a lot of pictures or not?
2. Do many people really understand modern art or not?
3. Do paintings always have a meaning or not?
4. Are they sometimes pretty patterns or not?
5. Do young children appreciate modern paintings better than others or not? Do they notice more or not? (not only… but)
6. When did the writer’s young sister go into his room? Did she examine his new picture or not? (and)
7. Had he hung it upside down, or had he hung it the right way up? Did she notice this immediately or not? (and)
Answer these questions in not more than 70 words.
Lesson 27 A wet night 雨夜
1. Where did the boys put up their tent? What did they cook? (and)
2. What did they do after their meal? Did it begin to rain or not? Did they creep into their tent or not? (but … so)