18:55 主持人画外音&嘉宾移步户外
Ladies and gentlemen, Porsche Studio Ningbo Grand Opening Ceremony will start soon, please enjoy the opening performance – light up the future
18:58 主持人画外音
非常精彩的表演! 女士们先生们,宁波保时捷中心 e 享空间开业典礼将在2分钟后开始。请各位在礼仪小的引导下,移步至展厅内并将您的手机调整至静音模式,谢谢!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Porsche Studio Ningbo Opening Ceremony will start in 2 minute. Please follow our hostess entre the showroom and kindly switch your mobile phone to “Sile
nt” mode, thank you!
Welcome to Porsche Studio Ningbo
/来宾移步进 e 享空间,站定
女士们、先生们,尊敬的各位来宾、媒体朋友们,大家晚上好!欢迎莅临宁波保时捷 e 享空间开业典礼!我是XX,非常荣幸能够担任今天的主持人,与各位一起见证这个特别的夜晚。
Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests and friends from the media, good evening!
Thank you for joining us to celebrate the Grand Opening Ceremony of Porsche Studio Ningbo!
I am XX, it is an honor to be here with you tonight.
保时捷便秉承着打造“梦想跑车”的卓越理念,在传承荣耀历史的同时,亦致力于研发创新的跑车科技,将诸多兼具性能与日常实用性的顶级跑车呈现于世人面前。保时捷家族日益壮大,旗下成员包括充满传奇彩的911跑车、久负盛名的中置发动机跑车718 Boxster和718 Cayman、拥有纯正跑车基因的豪华轿车Panamera、豪华SUV翘楚Cayenne、时尚SUV先锋Macan均以超凡性能与极致设计诠释着保时捷对于完美品质的至臻追求。
同时,为给消费者呈现独特的保时捷零售体验,今天,保时捷在中国的第二家数字化展厅——宁波保时捷e 享空间正式开业,在此,请允许我为各位介绍今天到场的贵宾:
Today, Porsche Studio Ningbo celebrated its grand opening as it became the second site of Porsche’s cutting-edge new retail format. Please allow me introduce our distinguished guests:
Dr.-Ing Jens Puttfarcken (President and Chief Executive Officer of Porsche China)
Mr. Daniel Schmollinger (Vice president Network Management and Development of Porsche China)
Ms. Grace Xi, Director Region Central of Porsche China
4.宝爱捷(中国)汽车投资有限公司首席执行官 施德丰先生
比亚迪f0轿车Mr. Stefan van Herpen (Chief executive officer of PAIG automobile investment Co.; LTD)
5.宝爱捷(中国)汽车投资有限公司保时捷品牌总裁 魏毅先生
Mr. Manolito Vujicic (Porsche Brand President of PAIG automobile investment Co.; LTD)
Mr. Jack Xu, General Manager of the Porsche Centre Ningbo.
首先,我们欢迎宝爱捷(中国)汽车投资有限公司首席执行官 施德丰 先生
Please join me to welcome Mr. Stefan van Herpen, CEO of PAIG (China) Automobile investment Co., Ltd onto the stage.
感谢施德丰先生的致辞!今天,我们还非常荣幸地邀请到保时捷中国首席执行官莅临现场,下面有请 Dr.-Ing Jens Puttfarcken 严博禹博士上台致辞。
Thank you, Mr. van Herpen! Now ladies and gentlemen, please join me to welcome our very special guest tonight Dr.-Ing Jens Puttfarcken (CEO of Porsche China)
To Dr.-Ing Jens Puttfarcken and Mr. Jack Xu: 下面有请两位揭开这份礼物的神秘面纱。
To Dr.-Ing Jens Puttfarcken and Mr. Jack Xu: Ready, 3, 2, 1
大家可以看到这份礼物是描绘着 Ferry Porsche 先生的精美立台。这份礼物也意味着宁波保时捷e 享空间正式成为保时捷中国大家庭的一员!
To Dr.-Ing Jens Puttfarcken: Thank you, Dr.-Ing Jens Puttfarcken: Please be seated.
Mr. Xu, please!
通过短片,相信在座各位嘉宾对宁波保时捷 e 享空间已有所了解,通过一系列的多媒体墙和创新互动体验,感受到保时捷产品和品牌文化。
70年来,保时捷一直秉持赛车运动的无限热情。在回归勒芒24小时耐力赛的四年中,保时捷上演帽子戏法,连续三年加冕LMP1组别冠军,并蝉联年度国际汽联世界耐力锦标赛制造商总冠军与车手总冠军。勒芒 19 冠的荣耀,充分彰显了保时捷对于赛车运动的执著与坚持。在前几日刚刚结束的勒芒比赛中,保时捷虽不再参与LMP1组别的竞逐,但依旧凭借超凡的发挥,包揽了 GTE-Pro 和 GTE- Am组别的冠亚军。说到勒芒赛车,有一项独创的设计延续至今:启动的钥匙被放置在方向盘左侧,有助于车手们以最快捷的方式获得加速的便利。今天我们也将这项传统带到了这里,来开启宁波保时捷e 享空间的重要时刻。
几十年前我买了个车Since returning to Le Mans four years ago, Porsche has achieved three consecutive victories in LMP1 and continues to hold he record for wins with 19 victories. In the recentl
y concluded race, our drivers successfully achieved victory in both GTE-Pro and GTE-Am classes – carrying on our tradition of victory. One of the exclusive design features in Porsche race cars is placing the ignition on the left side of the steering wheel, giving drivers convenient access to get the car moving in the fastest possible way. Insights like this make Porsche unique in both performance and design. Today, we bring that tradition here, as we officially open the Porsche Studio Ningbo – an important milestone for Porsche in this region. 均衡器调节
Now I would like to kindly invite the following guests to join me on stage to begin the ceremony:
Dr.-Ing Jens Puttfarcken (President and Chief Executive Officer of Porsche China)
宝爱捷(中国)汽车投资有限公司首席执行官 施德丰先生
Mr. Stefan van Herpen (Chief executive officer of PAIG automobile investment Co.; LTD)
宝爱捷(中国)汽车投资有限公司保时捷品牌总裁 魏毅先生
Mr. Manolito Vujicic ( Porsche Brand President of PAIG automobile investment Co.; LTD)
Mr. Daniel Schmollinger (Vice president Network Management and Development of Porsche China)
Ms. Grace Xi, Director Region Central of Porsche China
现在请跟着我一起倒计时。Three, Two, One, 启动!
(Video start, MC reads the countdown)
(VIP’s turn the key – fireworks outside - ceremony music)