信息技术2.0作业A6任务一《My friends》教学设计
本节课是义务教育课程人教版小学英语(PEP三年级起点)四年级上 册第三单元Part B Lets talk&Let's Play的内容。
本部分在A部分的单词及句型学习的基础上,继续学习如何询问人物 身份的句式Who is he? Who is she? 并学习句式:He has glasses and his shoes are blue.7座车年检新规定描述人物的外貌特征。教材中,Mike告诉John他结交了 一个新朋友。John先确定了其朋友的性别:A boy or a girl?然后John告诉 Mike 他朋友的体形特征:He's tall and thin. John 猜是 Zhang Pengo Mike 接 着给出其更加明显的衣饰特征:He has glasses and his shoes are blue.有 了 这些提示,John终于成功地猜出Mike朋友的名字:Wu Yifano在两个人交 流的过程中,既复习到了前两个课学习到的如何描述朋友的外貌特征,以 及如何询问其身份的句式,也学习到如何描述朋友的衣饰:He/
Let's play活动列举出了可以描述朋友外貌特征、性格特征以及服饰特 征的句式结构:He / She is ... He / His/ Her shoes are ... His/Her bag is ... What is his/ her name?引导学生利用这些信息来猜测人物的名字。
本课中出现的glassesshoes都为下一课时的重点词汇。在本课时 中 学生只需能够理解并听说就可以了。
四年级的学生对英语学习兴趣浓厚、具有词汇学习的能力、能积极参 与课堂教学活动、表现欲望强烈。小组合作意识已经初步形成。就知识技 能目标而言,本节课综合了本单元的三类句型,以对话的形式出现,对学 生来说具有一定的难度。
1.能够听懂、会说句式:He has glasses and his shoes are blue.
能够听懂、会说句式:He has glasses and his shoes are blue.
多媒体技术支持下的课件交互系统。创设教学情境,激发学生的学习 兴趣多媒体教学,能够形象生动的演示,展现动听悦耳的音响的效果,给 学生以新颖、惊奇的感觉,调动了学生的视觉、听觉神经。在数学课堂教 学中运用多媒体可以较好的创设趣味性强、信息量大、富于启发性的问题 情境,激发学生的学习数学课的兴趣,从而使学生积极主动的参与到教学 过程中,这样学生的主体作用也得到了发挥,课堂气氛和谐宽松,有时会 收到意想不到的教学效果。学生在教师创设的问题情境中分析问题、解决 问题,使学生始终都能保持浓厚的兴趣,学习效果也会有明显提高。
Step 1 Warm up1.韵句:Tim is my friend.播放韵句,学生齐唱。
Teacher Do you remember the chant about friend? Let, s say the chant Tim is my friend together.
设计意图:以韵句来开始课程,为学生营造一个欢快的英语学习氛围,并 为下一环节的学习做好知识准备。
Step 2 Lead in1.展示几个人物图片,请学生从中猜出自己的朋友。
Teacher Look at these pictures. I have a new friend. Please guess who my friend is. First, please ask is that a boy or girl.
Student: A boy or a girl?
Teacher: She is a girl. She is tall.
Student: Is she ...?
Teacher. No. Look at the shoes.(指向鞋子,使学生理解 shoes 的意思)Her shoes are ...(说出鞋子的颜)Student:
Teacher Yes.
设计意图:通过这样的猜人游戏,引出本课的重要内容,使学生能够在语 境中理解本课中的一个重点词汇的意思。同时理解句式的意思及用法。
Step 3 Presentation.提出问题,引起学生的阅读兴趣。播放对话,学生认真倾听,出答案 并展示O
Teacher国产q5 You know about my new friend. What about Mike' s new friend?
Who is he or she? Listen carefully and find.
Teacher: Who is Mike' s new friend? Yes, Wu Yifan.
Teacher Is Wu Yifan a boy or a girl? Yes, he is a boy. Is he tall and thin? Yes. Who is tall and thin, too? Yes, Zhang Peng. What colour are Wu Yifan' s shoes? His shoes are blue. Does he have glasses? (出示眼镜图片)Look, these are glasses. Does Wu Yifan have glasses? Yes, he has glasses. Do you have glasses? 设计意图:通过提问,使学生对即将学习的内容充满阅读兴趣。带着问题 倾听,可以集中他们的注意力,并训练他们在倾听中抓住关键信息的能力。 听后的讨论使他们能够更好地理解对话的内容,并能正确理解新词汇的意 义。
Step 4 Practice.播放课文内容,学生跟读,注意发音、语调。
Teacher Now read the dialogue with the tape. Please read it carefully and loudly. Pay attention to the pronunciation.
Teacher Read the dialogue freely. Then I will ask you to act it out. Let' s find the best pair.
设计意图:通过跟读,保证学生能够正确朗读对话内容,而分角表演课 文,一方面使学生能够正确流利地朗读课文,另一方面也能进一步熟悉重 点句式的表达。
Teacher Look at this boy. Can you say something about him? Please have a try. Teacher: He is tall and thin. He has glasses. His shoes are black. Well done!
Let' s look at next one.
设计意图:给学生提供描述人物的机会。让他们能够正确地使用所学的 词汇和句式来描述人物的特征。猜猜他是谁。教师出示一组人物,并提供人物的特征,学生根据 特征出人物。
Teacher Look at these pictures. Read the sentences and find who he or she is. Look at the first one. He is a boy. He is tall and strong. His shoes are blue. His glasses are black. Who is he? Yes, he is ...
Teacher: Look at this group. Guess again.
设计意图:以游戏的方式进行重点句式的练习,通过句式与人物特征的 匹配,使重点句式的操练在真实语境中进行,帮助学生真正理解并掌握重 点句式的意思及用法。
42万左右二手车.游戏:Who is he?请一位学生背向大家站在讲台上。教师请另一位学生 向其打招呼。台上的同学需要通过提问来确定是谁在向他打招呼,说出其 姓名。
Teacher: Let's play a game. I need a student. Who wants to try? You, please. Stand here,
please. Look at the blackboard. You, please say hello to him. Who says hello to you? Is that a boy or a girl? You can ask some questions like this: Is he or she tall? What colour are his or her shoes? Does he or she have glasses? Then tell us his or her name. Have a try, please.
设计意图:通过使用所学习到的句式来使学生自由地掌握描述人的特征的 方法。
Step 5 Summary1.播放韵句Tim is my friend.学生齐说。
Teacher Time for chant. Let, s say the chant Tim is my friend together.
设计意图:以描述朋友的特征的韵句来结束课程,帮助学生回忆、总结重 点内容。