北京马自达车友会    停车后应该先熄火还是先关空调捷达是一汽大众经典的一款车型,品牌历史长,累计销量大,在市场中拥有较高的人气和认可度。新款捷达继承了大众家族式的前脸,外形更加时尚优雅,车身匀称,线条柔和,改变了原先棱角分明的形象。内饰设计简洁实用,安全配置丰富,生产工艺成熟,性价比较高,维修保养方便。如今的老品牌在新市场中依然拥有着较高的人气和竞争力。不足之处:内饰用料偏硬,动力不足,发动机噪音大。
    If I have 100000 yuan, I would like to buy a new Jetta as my first car. Jetta is a classic model and has a long brand history,which is made of Volkswgen. As same as the former style ,Its main feature are durable steady and perfect performance at economy. Of course,compared to the former, it is a better style,like its image will on longer angular,it is equipped with more security configuration. To the country,it also has some disadvantages,the biggest are that auto-interior material is rigid, the engine is noise and dynamic performance is unsatisfactory. Thank you.