picc电话车险摘  要
The system requirements of the design project for the purpose of the 80C51 microcontroller for the control of the core,the use of the hunt and infrared sensors,automatic obstacle acoidance control of electric cars,and the photoelectric switch
极速车坛to the barrier function.The electric circuit construction of whole system is simple, the function is dependable. Experiment test result satisfy the request, this text emphasizes introduced the hardware system designs and the result analyse. Car is running the program, under the existing toy electric car, based on the installation of super sonic sensor and i奥迪a3报价及图片nfrared sensors, to achieve the location of electric vehicles,operational status of the real-time measurement, and measurement data sent to the microcontroller for processing, then SCM detected according to a variety of data to achieve intelligent control of electric vehicles.ix35论坛
Key words: 80C51 single chip computer, infrared 广州汽配城sensors, photoelectric switch, the electric car
