摘 要
Design of the Up-down and Translation Cubic Car-base Park
In this paper, the choice of social needs, the most common form of three-dimensional garage - lifting and transferring parking equipment. Introduction and analysis of the PSH16D/5K lifting and transferring parking equipment and structure of the transmission system.
For demand of Cubic Car-base Park in society一汽丰田rav4图片,The paper analyzed characteristics of every kind of Cubic Car-base Park, elected a kind of mechanical Cubic Car-base Park,the Up-down and Translation Cubic Car-base Park which could meet the society demand. 阿斯顿dbsIntroduced the Up-down and Translation Cubic Car-base Park to ascend and descend work principle and meaning of horizontal move type stereoscopic parking database, and to garage of each one constituted part to make introduction analysis and design, This text
still ascended and descend a spread of horizontal move type stereoscopic parking database to move system to carry on a detailed design and calculation to the Up-down and Translation Cubic Car-base Park. The method of usage reasonable carried out to the garage ascend and descend peace move to spread to move, the smolder was used to comprehensively analyze the Up-down and Translation Cubic Car-base Park. Including intension of the framework structure and axes etc, The optimal design was performed on the framework structure and part structure, it added intension and reduced the whole weight.宝马1系论坛
比亚迪s6论坛 Another is lifting and transferring parking equipment used in a number of the necessary security technology, better ensure the safety of drivers and vehicles, making the entire garage safety smooth operation.
Key words:k05 奔驰a250 Mechanical parking equipment, lifting and transferring, structure, optimize the t-ransmission system, security