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China's auto industry, Customer Satisfaction Promotion Strategy
总计  毕业设计(论文)    30   
          特斯拉上海车展    6   

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  2011年汽车销量排行榜 名:         日   期:     
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关键词:顾客满意度  顾客认可度    顾客忠诚度    分析测评模型
With the accelerated process of global integration and competition fierce, customer satisfaction as the goal of every business. China's auto industry has entered a rapid development of the fast lane, the industry unprecedented fierce competition in the market, increasing product homogeneity, irreplaceable growing, service oriented model is also increasingly the same, consumer behavior also increased from perceptual stage to the rational stage, in such a complex and rapidly changing market competition, the simple product strategy, service marketing strategy has undoubtedly not be the customer identification, and the "customer centric", and continuously improve customer satisfaction, enhance customer loyalty, develop a unique brand of car companies has become the only way to break through. This market will be China's automobile industry customer satisfaction research on the following aspects: First, we return to the Chinese automotive industry market development process, analyze the characteristics of sedan car market an
d competition situation, describes the general theory of customer satisfaction and the theory of the situation at home and abroad. Secondly, this paper focuses on the Chinese automotive industry is analyzed customer satisfaction through the establishment of China's auto industry market analysis evaluation model of customer satisfaction, qualitative research on customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and customer acceptance of the relationship between and the FAW - Volkswagen brand as a case of a quantitative analysis of market share and customer satisfaction for business-related sales, and setting up a suitable FAW - Volkswagen links the brand and marketing strategy services model. The results indicate that, in terms of empirical analysis, we can be sure, the customer acceptance, customer loyalty and sales volume and market share positive correlation between. Moreover, the improvement of customer satisfaction and market share of sales has a significant impact. China auto industry in customer satisfaction research based on the market, the paper that the assumption that the cost of certain customer premise, the customer acceptance depends on customer satisfaction, which affects customer loyalty, and customer loyalty in the automotive marketing important indicator of the strategy. Thus,
finally this paper, China's auto industry market strategies to enhance customer satisfaction.