摘  要

关键词 : 发动机,氧传感器,故障检修
现代ix354s店In the international community should be used at one of the great is the car industry, and oxygen sensors declaration of the patent number of the head of the sensor. especially with the discharge of regulation is strictly for the emission pollution and social control of the oxygen sensors will play a crucial role. the oxygen sensors to work with the engine, the economy of the environment and atmosphere a great influence.And china in the past three years to change with oxygen sensors old car is more than a million. therefore, oxygen sensor probe (oxygen) market prospects are very wide. therefore, technical staff to improve the maintenance of the sensor for oxygen and detection technology also become very critical. this paper mainly introduces  the engine for the technical characteristics of the sensor and the structural characteristics, depending on the structure of oxygen sensors and principle,Analysis was already handed over the failure of the cause and effect on engine  by the failure of the sensor for instance, to detect and repair,
ls400 oxygen sensor for the engine failure make a detailed scheme, the maintenance of instances.法拉利458报价
