        摘要: 过年高速免费时间2022最新通知针对我国目前新能源汽车产业发展的新阶段,为了探索我国未来新能源汽车产业发展道路,本文采用文献研究法,结合美日德各国基本国情,研究各国新能源汽车产业发展路线,得出各国新能源产业发展政策随各国国情不同而呈现差异性,通过分析、总结差异性,提出我国新能源汽车产业发展意见,即在的纵向深度和横向广度上加快新能源汽车发展。
        Abstract According to the new stage of the new energy vehicle industry development in China this article applies literature research method and combines with the basic national conditions of the United States Germany Japan to research their development route of the new energy vehicles industry and then explores the way of ours. Based on it a conclusion is proposed that there are different policy routes of new energy vehicles industry along with different countries美日汽车 and put forward the improvement suggestions from the depth of lengthwise and the width of crossing in the new energy vehicles development.