中图分类号:U469 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-7988(2020)01-09-04
高速免费的几个节假日The Development Trend of New Energy Vehicle Power Exchange Model
in the Post-subsidy Era
Jia Lijie, Yi Lijun
( China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300300 )
Abstract: At the beginning of the 21st century, new energy vehicle power exchange models have been tried at home and abroad, but due to the policy environment, technological level, cost factors and market size at that time, the power exchange model has not been widely promoted. With the advancement of power exchange technology, the reduction of the cost of power station construction, and the continuous improvement of power exchange standards, companies represented by BAIC New Energy, Lifan, Nio Automotive, etc. have begun to increase the research and promotion of power exchange models. The energy supply mode of China's new energy vehicles is gradually changing from charging to coexistence. The power exchange mode has become an important supplement to the charging mode.
Keywords: New energy vehicles; Power exchange mode; Post-subsidy era
CLC NO.: U469 Document Code: A Article ID: 1671-7988(2020)01-09-04
1 新能源汽车发展初期换电模式失败案例分析
1.1 国外换电模式案例分析
2007年,Better Place 在以列和丹麦开创了电动汽车换电模式的先河,希望与车企合作,打造成全球电池供应商。Better Place的“换电模式”目标是打造一个庞大的电动汽车充电站系统,能在电动车进站后自动完成新旧电池的更换工作。这样一种全新的模式需要众多的车企加入、使用标准化电池、拥有广泛的消费者基础才有可能实现盈利,但是Better Place 仅仅到一家有意愿且有能力与之合作推出新车型的车商:雷诺日产,这与其商业模式的要求相差甚远,在雷诺日产宣告退出新能源汽车领域时,Better Place 只能无奈走入破产保护程序。