摘    要
关键词:车载逆变器 ;脉冲调宽 ;保护电路  ;TL494SG3525A
  Car inverter is a kind of vehicle that can be converted to 220V/50Hz 12V DC AC electronic device which高速什么时候开始免费 is commonly used in automotive electronic products. The inverter applications are very broad in the daily life , such as notebook computer, video recorder and electric tools etc.
    This design is mainly based on switch power supply circuit technology basic knowledge, using two inverter realize inverter design. The main idea uses the TL494 and SG3525A etc chip, the first 12 V dc power boost for 320 V/frequency 50 Hz high frequency alternating current, and rectification of high frequency ac filter will rectifier for high voltage dc and then using sine pulse regulation law, through the output pulse control switch tube conduction. Finally after LC industrial frequency filter and the corresponding input/output protection circuits, stable output prospective sine wave, used for load.
The design is flexible and convenient, apply a wide range of features, can basically meet the demand of practice. Besides the design uses the high frequency inverter, with noise r
eduction, response speed and adjust the advantages of flexible circuit. Finally the design  conforms to the power supply miniaturization, lightweight, high frequency and high reliability, low noise trend.
Key words: 北京尾号限行car invertpulse width modulationgto汽车;circuit protectionTL494; SG3525A ;
1  绪论...............................................1
  1.1  车载逆变器及其发展......................................1
  1.2  逆变电源技术的发展......................................2
  1.3  逆变电源的发展趋势......................................5
2  设计总体目标.......................................7
2.1  设计要求及系统指标......................................7
  2.2  总体方案的选取..........................................8
吉利汽车报价3  整体电路设计......................................11
  3.1  逆变电源整体框图.......................................11
  3.2  脉宽调制技术及其原理...................................13
  3.3  正弦波脉宽调制技术.....................................18
4  逆变电源主要集成芯片外围电路及其功能简介..........21
  4.1  TL494外围电路及其应用..................................21
  4.2  SG3525A外围电路及其应用................................23
  4.3  ICL8038外围电路及其应用................................28
 4.4  IR2110外围电路及其应用.................................31