大众10万左右的车Vertragspartner erhalten die Norm nur über die zuständige Beschaffungsabteilung.
Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior written permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.
Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the responsible procurement department.
N o r m  v o r  A n w e n d u n g  a u f  A k t u a l i t ät  p r üf e n  / C h e c k  s t a n d a r d  f o r  c u r r e n t  i s s u e  p r i o r  t o  u s a g e .
T h e  E n g l i s h  t r a n s l a t i o n  i s  b e l i e v e d  t o  b e  a c c u r a t e . I n  c a s e
半挂车倒车技巧与步骤Page 2
VW 011 55: 2000-12
自行车品牌土拨鼠In the event of a change in the supplied object without the prior consent of the ordering party, the supplier is liable in accordance with previous agreements for damages resulting to the ordering party, be they direct or indirect.
3 Referenced晋中交警网违章查询
瑞虎价格KR 000 20 Design to maintenance specifications