中文摘要、关键词 (1)
英文摘要、关键词 (2)
引言 (3)
第1章转向系统概要 (4)
1.1 发展历程与趋势 (4)
吉利星越乚2021新款图片1.2 作用与要求 (5)
1.3 基本组成 (5)
1.4 分类 (6)
1.5 动力转向装置 (6)
第2章别克转向系统结构分析及工作原理 (8)
2.1 转向盘和转向柱 (8)
2.2 动力转向器及管路 (9)
2.2.1 转向泵与流量控制阀 (10)
2.2.2 转向器阀体总成 (11)
2.2.3 动力转向泵结构原理 (13)
2.3 齿轮齿条式动力转向器 (14)马牌tc6
2.4 转向传动机构 (14)
第3章别克故障分析与排除 (16)
3.1 转向系统异响 (16)
3.2 转向沉重 (18)
3.2.1 转向沉重的一般情况 (18)
3.2.2 行驶中转向突然变得沉重 (22)
3.2.3 快速转动方向盘时沉重 (23)
3.2.4 左右转向轻重不同 (23)
3.3 转向盘反冲过大或转向松动 (24)
3.4 转向盘不回位或直线行驶自动跑偏 (25)
3.4.1 转向盘不回位 (25)
长春华港二手车市场3.4.2 直线行驶跑偏 (25)
3.5 转向摆动或方向不稳 (26)
3.6 制动时方向跑偏 (27)
3.7 油液压力过低 (27)
3.7.1 转向泵导致油液压力过低 (27)
3.7.2 转向器导致油压过低 (28)
3.8 动力转向液起泡、成乳状、液位偏低 (28)
第4章常见问题的检查与操作 (29)
4.1 动力转向系统的检查 (29)
4.2 检查和添加动力转向液 (29)
4.3 动力转向器的放气 (30)
4.4 动力转向系统的检测 (31)
4.5 齿条轴承预紧度的调整 (33)
总结 (35)
致谢 .............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。参考文献. (37)奔驰slk怎么样
天津汽车内饰改装The Diagnosis and A nalysis of Shanghai GM Buick’s Steering
Abstract:This paper expounds all aspects of function, composition, main structure, working principle and the possible fault of the Shanghai GM Buick’s steering system, according to the structural principle analysis to that , the abnormal sound system, the steering wheel is too loose or to
o recoil, the steering wheel can’t return or is automatic wandering when running straightly, the steering is heavy , the steering wheel steering vibration, braking direction and the other common running deviation of the cause of the failure and ruled out ways in which focuses on the analysis to the heavy several situations. At the same time, putting a forward to a fault maintenance feasible scheme; Using the theory and practice method, to each problem has a good understanding, to use the content of good summary, to further familiar with buick steering system of various aspects knowledge, analyse the reason of failures, and concluded that diagnosis scheme and ruled out.
Keywords:Buick; Steering System; Fault Diagnosis; Analysis