【摘要】:一辆行驶里程约KM,采用了德尔福(DELPHI)MT20U2发动机管理系统和“重庆集成” 发动机防盗系统的长安奔奔SC7133轿车。
用长安电喷检测仪KT600进入“集成防盗”,发现有故障码B042 (R-line对搭铁短路) 存储。意思是ECM未匹配,重新匹配ECM。用长安汽车电喷检测仪重新匹配ECM后,断开点火开关,再把点火开关拧到ON档,发动机故障指示灯亮,防盗指示灯熄灭。表示匹配成功,可以起动发动机。
再次打车,发动机还是起动不着,发动机故障灯点亮。用长安汽车电喷检测仪进入“长安汽车”→ “长安奔奔” →德尔福MT20U2→读故障码为P0230 (燃油泵控制线路故障)。为了验证该故障码的真实性,直接把燃油泵继电器的30脚和87脚短接,然后起动发动机,起动成功,这就确定P0230故障码是真实的。经检查燃油泵继电器及其控制线路均正常,最后判断是ECM故障,需更换ECM。
更换ECM并且进行防盗匹配后,可以起动发动机,但故障灯仍点亮。用长安电喷检测仪KT600检测时有P1336 (齿讯未学习) 的故障码存储,用长安汽车电喷检测仪清除故障码后,再次起动发动机,故障灯仍亮。
1) 连接KT600诊断仪,起动发动机,用诊断仪进入“长安汽车” →“长安奔奔” →德尔福MT20U2→读系统参数,查看发动机冷却液温度数值。等待温度达到60 ℃以上,保持车辆其他电器负载处于关闭状态。bj20最新消息
2) 进入诊断仪的“齿讯学习” 项目,按“确认” 键,诊断仪显示“将油门踏到底”。
3) 将油门踏板踩到底并保持,此时发动机转速会在1 300~4 500 r / min自动往复2~5次,之后在4 500 r / min附近振荡,学习结束(以上为进行齿讯学习时发动机转速的典型特征,可由此判断齿讯学习是否进行及结束,如果无此现象,则说明发动机控制单元没有进入学习状态,应从头开始)。
4) 发动机熄火。
5) 断电10 s后起动发动机,清除故障码,故障即可排除。
reform results, economy, and political system, and culture system, and social system, and discipline check system, and party of construction system reform solid advance, tax, and financial, and price, and administrative approval, and State-owned enterprises, and ecological civilization, important field and key link reform made major progress, market in resources configuration in the of decisive role si
gnificantly enhanced, Unprecedented burst of momentum and vitality of economic and social development.  XI General Secretary's speech in this regard include the reform only when there is no complete, the < decisions of the CPC Central Committee on some major problems in deepening reform > notes on the 18 session of ideas into the party's spirit of the reforms more difficult to move forward, the increasing use of the Socialist system with Chinese characteristics such as the ability to run the country. 4. with regard to promoting sustained and healthy economic development. Face complex changeable of international situation
河南省汽车违章查询and difficult heavy of domestic reform development stable task, XI General Secretary made China economic development into new normal of science judge, proposed innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared five big development concept, implementation macro policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing five big pillar sex policy, vigorously advance supply side structural reform, new concept, achieved has 2013 to 2015 during, Domestic production total annual growth 7.3%, obviously fast Yu earlier world economic 2.3% of annual growth, on world economic growth of contribution over 25%, tertiary industry accounted for domestic production total share over 50%, eventually consumption on economic growth of contribution rate reached 66%, economic structure a
djustment made important progress, development of quality and benefits significantly upgrade, China economic show out huge of swing room and broad of
development prospects.  This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including economic growth must is real and no water of growth improve open type economic level "see missing of hand" and "see have see of hand" are to with good speed up from elements drive, and investment scale drive development mainly to to innovation drive development mainly of change active promoted China energy production and consumption revolution,. 5. with regard to building the rule of law in China. 18 big yilai, Central tightly around full advance law ruling, put party of led, and people masters, and law ruling organic unified up, insisted law ruling, and law ruling, and law administrative common advance, insisted rule of law national, and rule of law Government, and rule of law social one construction, full advance science legislation, and strictly law enforcement, and just judicial, and universal law-abiding, China features socialist legal system further sound perfect, leaders at all levels cadres using rule of law thinking and rule of law way
deepening reform, and
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将故障车辆仪表台拆下,对空调系统线束进行检查。根据promoted development, and The ability to resolve conflicts and constantly improve, our ... 6. on the building of Socialist culture in China. A country, a nation strong, always supported by culture flourished, the inheritance and development of civilization, without culture to develop and prosper, there will be no realization of the dream of China. 18 big yilai, XI General Secretary around "foster and promote Socialist core values" "promote China excellent traditional culture" "firmly master ideology work led right and discourse right", aspects do h
as series important speech, main including put publicity thought work do have better for achieved China dream condensed powerful moral support improve national culture soft strength foster and promote Socialist core values youth to consciously practice line Socialist core values  Childhood actively cultivate and practice the core values of socialism and the party's important speech on the press conference. 7. promote the reform and development of social undertakings and social
management. 18 big yilai, Central insisted put guarantees and improved livelihood as ruling acting political of starting point and foothold, Xia big pneumatic solution masses most care most directly most reality of interests problem, 3 years cumulative reduction poverty more than 50 million people, equivalent to a medium national population of total, annual added town employment more than 10 million people, starts construction supportability housing engineering near 4 million sets, built world Shang scale maximum, and cover universal of basic medical guarantees network and pension guarantees network, urban and rural residents income continued growth, The lives of the people of all ethnic groups have more on both material and spiritual thriving.  This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including promoted poverty area poverty, and speed up development let 1.3 billion people enjoys better more fair of education speed up advance housing guarantees and supply system construction always put people life
security put in first bit efforts put China construction became network power insisted general national security views, go China features national security road effective maintenance national security and social settled,. 8. with regard to comprehensive strictly administering the party. Party of 18 big yilai, Central station in party and national survival of height, firmly grasp strengthening party of ruling capacity construction, and advanced purity construction this article mainline, to style construction for breakthrough, to developed introduced eight items provides started start, put discipline and rules is in front, organization carried out has party of mass line education practice activities and "three strict three real" topic education, insisted "zero tolerance, and full cover, and no area", insisted "Tiger" "flies" with playing, style political wind society continued improved, More perfect system of laws within the party, discipline of authoritative seriousness increasing, for the history of winning has a lot of new features provide a strong