汽车新能源的发展趋势 ---- 氢动力
The development trend of the automobile new energy---- Hydrogen Power
Summary: Along with the automobile holds the quantity’s growth, and the world oil resource reduces day by day. The automobile exhaust pollutes the city air to be more and more serious. In order to reducing the excessively dependence of oil resource and the automobile exhaust which be harm for our environment, Various countries are all by any means possible to reducing the automobile’s fuel consumption and devoting to the substitutive clean fuel and new energy’s research and development. Out country also has appeared one after another series of policy which encouraging energy conservation\environmental protection and the new energy’s research and development to alleviate the contradiction between petroleum supply and demand.
At present, the clean substitutive energy like alcohol type fuel, liquified petroleum gas, natural gas…ect had been used widely in world scope, and has obtained the certain effect. The new energy like dimethyl fuel cell, hydrogen fuel cells, biodiesel…ect are researching and developing. The hydrogen fuel cell takes one kind of highly effective zero pollution the electrochemistry energy conversion installmenthad been considered will become  the most ideal automobile energy in the future. Although there will be a long proc
ess to realize the hydrogen economy. But the automobile will get into hydrogen power for ages necessarily.
Keywords: China,  automobile ,  the new energy,  alternative energy source,
hydrogen power
引言……………………………………………………………………………………… 7
比亚迪f0论坛第1  简述汽车对全球环境及能源问题产生的影响…………… 8
1. 汽车对环境的污染……………………………………………………………  8
1.1.1汽车废气污染…………………………………………………………………  加长汽车8
    1)汽车排放物的种类……………………………………………………………  8
    2)汽车排放物的危害……………………………………………………………  8
1.1.2汽车噪音污染…………………………………………………………………  10
1. 汽车对能源的影响……………………………………………………………  11
2  汽车新能源及代用能源简介……………………………………  12
2. 1  电动汽车…………………………………………………………………………  12
2.1.1 纯电动汽车……………………………………………………………………  12
2.1.2 混合动力汽车…………………………………………………………………  13
2.1.3 燃料电池汽车…………………………………………………………………  14
2. 2  天然气……………………………………………………………………………  15二手新胜达
2. 3  液化石油气……………………………………………………………………    15
2. 4  生物质液体燃料………………………………………………………………    16
    2.4.1 醇类燃料………………………………………………………………………  16
2.4.2 生物质柴油……………………………………………………………………  17
2.4.3 二甲醚…………………………………………………………………………  17
宁波市交通违章查询2. 5  氢气………………………………………………………………………………  18
3  汽车新能源的发展趋势……………………………………………  19
3. 1  推广清洁柴油车,开拓生物柴油市场……………………………………  19
3. 2  发展液化石油气,压缩天然气等替代燃气能源…………………………  19
3. 3  开发推广混合动力汽车………………………………………………………  19
3. 4  逐步转向燃料电池汽车,从而进入氢动力时代………………………  20
4  氢能源汽车………………………………………………………………捷途x70plus新款2021多少钱  21
4. 1  潮州一特斯拉失控致2死3伤氢动力应用于汽车的主要技术途径…………………………………………  21
  4.1.1  内燃机用氢气燃料……………………………………………………………  21
4.1.2  氢气燃料电池电动车……………………………………………………………  21
4. 2  世界各国氢能源汽车发展现状………………………………………………… 22
4. 3  世界主要汽车公司氢能源发展动态…………………………………………… 24
5  我国氢能源汽车发展战略及现状…………………………………  26
6 结论………………………………………………………………………………  29
参考文献……………………………………………………………………………………  30
1  简述汽车对全球环境及能源问题产生的影响