VOLKSWAGEN AG Flocking of Interior Trim Material内饰材料植绒TL 52447 Konzernnorm MaterialRequirements  材料要求2006-06
Descriptors: abrasion resistance, flocking, flock coating, interior trim
关键词: 耐磨损,植绒,表面植绒,内饰
Changes  更改
The following changes have been made as compared to Technical Supply Specification TL 52447, 1996-07:  和标准TL 52447,1996-07版比较有如下更改:
─TL 52447 has been revised and restructured TL 52447已修订和更改
─Requirements on flock abrasion distinguished according to yarn strength
Previous issues 以前版本1996-07
1 General 总则
Approval of first supply and changes acc. to V olkswagen standard VW 01155.
Avoidance of hazardous substances acc. to VW 91101.
The required numerical values apply to each individual measurement.
批准的首次供货和更改按大众标准 VW 01155.
有害物质的预防按 VW 91101.
1.1  Type 类型
最实惠的家用车100 % cut flocked fabric with no mixed flocking 纯植绒织物无混合植绒,
Flock quality (material, fiber length, fiber fineness) acc. to drawing100 %
1.2  Scope 使用范围
For decoration or protection purposes, to change the sliding parameters of friction partners (e.g.,glove compartment, trays, profiles) 改变摩擦零件的滑动参数作为装饰或保护作用(如仪表板小柜,托盘,侧板等)
1.3  Conditioning 预处理
Prior to testing, the specimens shall be aged for a minimum of 24 h in DIN 50014 -23/50-2 standard climate. 试验前,样件按DIN 50014-23/50-2标准至少进行24小时老化处理。
1.4  Quality 质量
The flocked parts must have an even appearance over their entire surface. Flaws, such asunflocked areas, flocking clumps or color variations are not permissible. Variations in brightness due to part geometry and flocking direction are permissible. The flocking must adhere to the substrate without flaws both in the as-received condition and after the tests to be performed.
The flocked part must not give off toxic substances and must not have an unpleasant odor (seeSection 2.5).
重庆加油站The surface must conform to the original sample in terms of color (original sample, color sample).
测试应在植绒部分进行Determination shall be carried out on a flocked finished part section. 等级按照标准PV 3932 (见表1)Grade according to Test Specification PV 3932 (see Table 1)
Yarn strength 纱线强度
Abrasion resistance acc. to PV 3932耐磨损性能按 PV 3932 Titer ≥6,7 dtex
Titer δ 3,3 dtex
As-received condition接收条件 等级≤ 1 等级≤ 2 Environmental cycle test acc. to PV 1200, 96
h 1)环境循环试验 按 PV 1200, 96 h1)
等级≤ 2 等级≤  3
144 h aging acc. to DIN EN ISO 6270-2 CH 1)
144 h 老化试验 按DIN EN ISO 6270-2 CH1)
等级≤ 2 等级≤  4
After aging at elevated temperature for
24 h at 80°C 1)高温老化后24 h /80℃
等级≤ 2 等级≤  3
1) 老化试验1h后才能进行耐磨损试验
中国二手车交易网2.1 Crosscut test according to DIN EN ISO 2409 网格切割试验按DIN EN ISO 2409 with subsequent removal of adhesive tape2) 要除去胶带2)
2.1.1In as-received condition合格条件网格切割值crosscut value      Gt 0 - 1 2.1.2After 144 h aging acc. to DIN EN ISO 6270-2 CH 3)
144 h 老化后按DIN EN ISO 6270-2 CH3)Gt 0 - 1 2.2    Scratch behavior at -40 °C耐刮擦性能在 -40 °C 条件下等级 0
The chisel (see PV 3932) is once drawn over the surface by hand
产品表面的槽(见 PV 3932) 手工刻划
2.3    Cleaning behavior 清洁性能
The specimen shall be easily cleanable using cleaning agents based on neutral soap, isopropanol,petroleum ether or water.
Cleaning is performed by hand with a well-saturated, white cotton cloth with approx.
20 doublestrokes. There must be no damage to the flocking. A slight swelling when applying the isopropanol and petroleum ether is permissible, but there must not remain any loss of adhesion after evaporation of the cleaning agent.
2.4High-temperature light aging acc. to PV 1303, 2 to 3 cycles
光照牢度按PV 1303, 2 ~ 3 周期
According to location of use and drawing specifications
2.5  Odor characteristics 气味要求
Odor grade δ 2 acc. to PV 3900
气味等级≤2 按照 PV 3900
3  参考标准
PV 1303                汽车零件,(+80/-40) °C条件下环境交变循环试验
PV 1200              非金属材料,内饰产品暴晒试验
PV 3900                内饰产品,气味测试
PV 3932                植绒塑料产品,耐磨损
VW 01155            供应零件,首次交样和更改批准
VW 91101              汽车环境标准,汽车零件,材料,操作液体,有害物质预防DIN 50014            气候及技术应用,标准大气
DIN EN ISO 2409      涂料和油漆-网格切割试验
DIN EN ISO 6270-2 涂料和油漆-耐湿性能测试-第2部分:冷凝水测试的程序标准