Group Standard
TL 1010 Issue 2008-01
Class. No.: 55000
flammability, combustibility, burning behavior, flame retardance, interior trim
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The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies the German version shall govern. Numerical notation acc. to ISO practice.
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Technical responsibility Standards
GQL-LP  Dr. Peter Schwarzer GQL-LP/5  Eckart Herrmann
Tel.: +49-5361-9-42116
EKTC/4  Jürgen Wiesner Tel.: +49-5361-9-29064
Manfred Terlinden
Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior permission of a Standards Department within the Volkswagen Group.
Contract partners shall obtain the standard only through the B2B supplier platform www.vwgroupsupply.
© VOLKSWAGEN AG  vwnorm-2007-07
Materials for Vehicle Interiors
Burning Behavior, Material Requirements
Previous issues
TL 1010: 1971-10, 1972-04, 1972-09, 1974-08, 1975-09, 1985-02, 1993-01
The following changes have been made as compared to Technical Supply Specification TL 1010: 1997-05: ─ Section 3.1 expanded 1
This Technical Supply Specification defines requirements for the burning behavior of materials/ components in the passenger compartment.
It pertains to every part of a single or composite material whose surface contacts the air space of the passenger compartment and that is located within a maximum depth of 13 mm (1/2 inch) from the pa
ssenger compartment surface. For parts that are joined over less than the full surface area and that succeed each other during assembly, the depth of 13 mm shall be taken into consideration again after removal of the part closest to the passenger compartment (see Figure 1), until a layer exists that is thicker than 13 mm or an overall depth of 26 mm (1 inch) has been reached. 2
M a t e r i a l s /c o m p o n e n t s  o f  t
h e  p a s s e n g e r  c o m p a r t m e n t : seat cushions, back-rests, seat belts, roof liners, folding tops of convertibles, arm rests, all trims, shelves, headrests, floor coverings, sun visors, curtains, blinds, seat coverings and all other materials used in the pas-senger compartment, including padding and elements that deploy in the event of a crash whose intended purpose is to absorb energy during a crash.
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Issue TL 1010: 2008-01
C o m p o s i t e  m a t e r i a l s : Parts that are made up of multiple layers of the same material or dif-ferent materials that are bonded together at all points of contact, i.e., over the full surface area (see Figure 1).
BR: Burning Rate NBR: No Burning Rate SE: Self-Extinguishing
(A = single material, B and C = composite material)
Figure 1
3 Requirements 3.1
Basic specifications
哈弗h2多少钱Approval of first supply and changes according to Volkswagen standard VW 01155. Avoidance of hazardous substances according to VW 91101.
Materials/components in the passenger compartment shall comply fully with the requirements spe-cif
ied in national regulations if the materials/components are intended for export to countries in which compliance with these requirements is stipulated by law. This applies in particular to 571.302 (USA.), CMVSS 302 (Canada), GB 8410 (China) and TRIAS 48-1993 (Japan).
Note regarding CB 8410 (China): The motor cover and wheel cowl components mentioned in the regulation only have to be tested if they are located within the passenger compartment. 3.2
Validity of requirements
The minimum requirements described below shall be fulfilled by all materials/components in the passenger compartment (see Section 2). If even a single value of a random sample is out of com-pliance with the requirement, this is sufficient grounds to reject the entire delivery. 3.3
Mandatory documentation
Sections of Table 1 marked with a documentation bar (            ) are subject to mandatory docu-mentation if the TL number in the drawing is also marked with a bar or if a corresponding TLD (Technical Guideline for Documentation) number appears in the drawing. The documents shall be kept on file for 10 years.
Depth (inch)
Passenger compartment
air space
Material to be tested individually
To be tested in the compositekia k2
Cut here
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Issue TL 1010: 2008-01
3.4 Burning behavior
See Table 1. The tests are performed on unaged material and material that has been aged accord-in
g to Test Specification PV 3904. The test results determined on unaged material are not subject to mandatory documentation. Test results on parts with a sample length of < 100 mm are also not subject to mandatory documentation. For such parts, an agreement can be reached to perform testing on sheet material whose thickness corresponds to the minimum wall thickness or thickness of the finished parts.
Table 1
4 Notes on testing
4.1 Testing of burning behavior
Test equipment and method according to U.S. Regulation 571.302 and according to DIN 75200. Specimens shall be taken from the material direction with the highest burning rate. The material surface that is located closest to the air space of the passenger compartment shall face downward. Except for specimens < 51 mm in width, the use of support wires is not permitted for specimens that, when exposed to flame (in a preliminary test), deflect, roll up and exhibit irregular burning due to the fact that the burn-off is no longer horizontal.
The following applies to parts with a specimen length < 100 mm: distance between support wires 10 mm, first wire is 10 mm from the open end of the holder.
5 Referenced documents
The following documents cited in this standard are necessary for application.
In this Section, terminological inconsistencies may occur as the original titles are used.
VW 01155 Vehicle Supply Parts; Approval of First Supply and Changes
拓乐中国VW 91101 Environmental Standard for Vehicles; Vehicle Parts, Materials, Operating Fluids;
Avoidance of Hazardous Substances
DIN 75200 Determination of Burning Behavior of Interior Materials in Motor Vehicles