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请填写标准的专业名称 如:广播电视工程
院(系)别 (小二号宋体居中)请填写规范的班级名称 如:09广电
专道奇 凯领 业q9 班 级
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指导教师 一汽奔腾b50白
2013特斯拉回应被约谈年 4 月 9 日
摘 要
Along with the development of science and technology, people on the car demand is higher and higher, in the market continued demand, the new type of multi-function car application technology is more and more mature, but also promote the development of intelligent, the car. Smart cars and general had said to be automatic driving different, it refers to the use of sensor and intelligent road technology of the realization of the automatic car driving, intelligent vehicle is a collection of environment planning and decision-making, perception, different functions such as auxiliary driving in an integrated system, it focuses on the computer, using modern sensor, information fusion, communicat
ion, artificial intelligence and automatic control technology, is typical of high-tech complex.
At present the studies of intelligent vehicle is mainly devoted to improve the car's safety, comfort, and provide good car interface.This design intelligent tracing the car on main on the single chip computer 89 S52 as control core, with 4 road electrcal to launch tube, and by using the L298 as the motor drive chip, and in the four digital tube display real-time path, complete the following mark function.
Keywords: tracking car, 89S52,L298,Motor drive
目 录
一、绪论 4
二、硬件电路设计 5
2.1硬件设计总体框图 5
asl是什么意思2.2 电源电路设计 6
2.2.1电源电路设计原理 6
2.2.2 AMS1117-5.0 简介 7
2.3单片机最小系统 8
2.3.1控制电路分析 8
2.3.2单片机最小系统分析 8
2.3.3 AT89S52单片机简介 9
2.4 电机驱动 10
2.4.1驱动电路设计 10
2.4.2 LM298内部结构 11
2.4.3 H桥电机驱动电路 11
小汽车2.5 循迹电路 13
2.5.1 循迹电路设计 13
2.5.2光电传感器ST178简介 14
2.5.3 LM339简介 14
2.6 数码管显示电路 15
2.6.1 实时显示状态 15
2.6.1 数码管显示分析 15
三、循迹小车程序设计 17
3.1程序设计框图 17
3.2 循迹程序设计 18
3.2.1 循迹传感器原理及其使用 18
3.2.2 循迹程序分析与设计 18
3.3 电机驱动程序设计 21
四、系统调试与仿真 21
5.3 系统仿真 23