摘要 (1)
0 引言 (4)
1 汽车品牌营销概述 (6)
1.1 汽车品牌营销概念及其理论 (6)
1.2 汽车品牌的特点 (8)
1.3 汽车品牌营销策略 (10)
1.3.1 假设的提出 (11)
1.3.2 变量选取及检验 (11)
1.3.3 具体的营销策略 (15)
2 路虎汽车品牌在中国市场的发展背景和现状 (19)
2.1 路虎汽车品牌在中国市场的发展背景 (19)
2.1.1 宏观背景 (21)
2.1.2 微观背景 (21)
2.2 路虎汽车品牌在中国市场的发展现状 (22)
福仕达2.2.1 宏观现状 (23)
2.2.2 微观现状 (24)
3 路虎品牌汽车在中国的市场营销战略分析 (25)
3.1 路虎品牌汽车五力分析 (25)
3.1.1 供应商的讨价还价能力 (25)
3.1.2 购买者的讨价还价能力 (25)
3.1.3 新进入者的威胁 (25)
3.1.4 替代品的威胁 (26)
3.1.5 行业内现有竞争者的竞争 (26)
3.2 路虎品牌汽车PEST分析 (27)
3.2.1 政治因素分析 (27)
3.2.2 经济因素分析 (27)
3.2.3 社会因素分析 (28)
3.2.4 技术因素分析 (28)
4 路虎品牌汽车营销战略规划与设计 (28)
4.1 路虎品牌汽车STP 营销战略规划 (28)
4.1.1 市场细分 (28)
4.1.2 目标用户分析 (29)
4.1.3 目标市场定位 (30)
4.2 路虎品牌汽车市场营销战略 (31)
4.2.1 产品组合多样化 (31)
4.2.2 产品定价系统化 (32)
4.2.3 品牌促销手段全方位应用 (33)
4.2.4 渠道管理的加强与创新 (34)
5 结论 (36)
参考文献 (38)
Brand automobile marketing strategy research -- take Land Rover as
an example
驾龄Land Rover automobile enterprise after a long way of development to today, to achieve a qualitative leap, has become the industry's model. Although in the development process has achieved a series of good results. Overall, Land Rover's marketing efforts are still faced with many problems, these problems seriously restrict the development of Land Rover automobile enterprises, so it is necessary and urgent to solve. In order to do as a starting point, for Land Rover enterprise marketing status quo, by the environmental impact, Land Rover production enterprises marketing strategy and countermeasures were discussed and sum up the way tiger production enterprises in marketing problems. And according to the specific problems proposed corresponding improvement measures, to Land Rover sales marketing strategy in deeper step research and analysis, can make Rover dealers better understand the current marketing situation, to recognize their own strengths and weaknesses. It is good for Land Rover to improve and innovate marketing strategy, improve the core competitiveness of the supermarket, and expand the competitive advantage in the fierce competition. This can also be for other automobile enterprises to provide materials, let the other car enterprises gain experience from the rover dealer