1. 欧洲市场
2. 北美市场
3. 亚洲市场
4. 其他市场
1. 技术创新助推市场增长
2. 应用场景多样化
3. 联网技术加速推进
As climate change and environmental awareness continue to rise globally, the trend towards the development of new energy vehicles seems irreversible. The market for new energy vehicles is not only gaining widespread recognition in China but is also gaining attention internationally due to its importance in energy conservation and emissions reduction. In this report, we will analyze the current situation of new energy vehicles in the overseas market and their future development trends by the year 2023.
I. Current Situation of New Energy Vehicles in Overseas Markets in 2023
东南菱悦汽车1. European Market
新迈腾Europe is targeting true electric vehicles, and a new CO2 emission standard will be implemented in 2023, requiring almost all car brands to adjust their products. Currently, new energy vehicles in the European market mainly include electric vehicles, hybrid cars, and fuel-cell cars, with electric vehicles as the main type. According to data provided by the European Electric Vehicle Association, the sales of new energy vehicles in the European market exceeded two million units in 2018, with pure electric vehicles dominating sales. It is expected that by 2023, sales of pure electric vehicles in Europe will surpass hybrid cars and fuel-cell vehicles.
2. North American Market
The new energy vehicle market in North America is significantly different from that of Europe, with the majority of new energy vehicles being hybrid cars. Pure electric vehicle s
ales were not strong in the North American market in 2018, but hybrid car sales continued to grow. According to data from the U.S. Department of Transportation, hybrid car sales reached 900,000 units in 2018, and the trend towards further growth continues, with a balance between hybrid and pure electric vehicles expected by 2023, similar to the European market.
3. Asian Market
The Asian market for new energy vehicles is dominated by the Chinese market, with smaller markets in other Asian countries. Currently, Chinese automakers are rapidly developing in the electric car market, with market share already reaching the highest level in the world. In 2018, China's electric vehicle production reached 1.07 million units, with pure electric vehicle sales accounting for more than 70% of the market. By 2023, pure electric vehicle sales in the Chinese market are expected to exceed 40% of the global market.
4. Other Markets
Currently, the new energy vehicle market is small in markets such as Australia, South Africa, Latin America and other countries and regions. Although the scale of these markets is relatively small, the increasing demand for environmental protection is creating more opportunities for the development of new energy vehicles.