2019,41(5):901-907DOI :10.13836/j.jjau.2019103江西农业大学学报Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis http ://
标志907xuebao.jxau.edu 槲蕨的生活习性与柚皮苷累积规律
中图分类号:Q949.95文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-2286(2019)05-0901-07
Laws of Drynaria roosii Growth and Its Naringin Accumulation
SHEN Zong -fang 1,2,GUO Xin 3,TIAN Bo 1,ZHENG Guo -wei 4,HUANG Chun -qiu 3,CAI Chuan -tao 1*
(1.Key Laboratory of Tropical Plant Resources and Sustainable Use ,Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden ,Chinese Academy of Sciences ,Kunming 650223,China ;2.University of Chi
nese Academy of Sciences ,Beijing 101408,China ;3.Yunnan Plant Medicine Limit Company ,Kunming 650503,China ;4.Kunming Institute of Botany ,Chinese Academy of Sciences ,Kunming 650201,China)
Abstract :Dry rhizome of Drynara roosii is a traditional Chinese medicinal material ,named as “Gu-sui-bu ”.Due to its particular habitat environment ,there is no artificial cultivation at present.For the sustainable development and reasonable use of wild resources of medicine ,the living habits of the herb were discribed throngh field observation and the growth pattern of this fern rhizome was revealed.Then the method for judging the age of the rhizome was determined ,and the growth law of dry weight of the rhizome was analyzed.The content of naringin in the rhizome at different ages was determined by HPLC.The results showed that there were some differences in the habits sii in different districts.The rhizomes had distinct nodes and internodes ,and showed a growth pattern similar to that of the panicle axis.There was no significant difference in the dry
Project supported by the “135”Special Funds of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2017XTBG-F05)
and Fund­
ing project of Yunnan Plant Medicine limit company 作者简介:沈宗芳(1993—),女,硕士生,主要从事药用植物研究,/0000-0002-4542-7011,shenzongfang@xtbg.ac ;*通信作者:蔡传涛,研究员,caict@xtbg.ac 。沈宗芳,郭昕,田波,等.槲蕨的生活习性与柚皮苷累积规律[J ].江西农业大学学报,2019,41(5):901-907.