关键词:  汽车轮胎;合成橡胶;发展趋势
China is now the largest p roducer of automobile tire. Coming with the global economic recovery, thesustained and sound development of the domestic economy, the automobile tire p roduction will maintain a steady and rap id growth, the p roportion of tire of high performance will increase year by year, the p roduction p rocesseswill be more integrated. The development of tire industry is of the utmost importance to synthetic rubber market,we assume that the automobile tire output is 400 million units in 2010, then the demand for synthetic rubber in this field will be 1 700 kt.China’s synthetic rubber p roducer should further reduce the cost of general2purpose synthetic rubber, accelerate the development of environment2friendly new2grade synthetic rubber, endeavor to solve the lace of green resources, develop
轮胎寿命 固特异new grades of synthetic rubber for high2end tire.
Key words: automobile tire; synthetic rubber; developing trends
摘要................................................................. I Abstract .............................................................. II 第1章绪论. (1)
第2章轮胎的作用及分类 (2)
2.1 概述 (2)
2.2 轮胎的分类 (2)
2.2.1 按轮胎用途来分 (2)
2.2.2 按胎体结构分 (2)
2.2.3 按胎体中帘线排列的方向分 (2)
2.2.4 充气轮胎按组成结构分 (3)
第3章轮胎型号的表示方法 (4)
第4章如何正确选用轮胎 (6)
4.1 如何选择轮胎 (6)
第5章轮胎的正确使用与保养 (8)
5.1 轮胎的使用保养 (8)
5.1.1 定期检查轮胎气压。 (8)
5.1.2 定期进行轮胎换位。 (8)
5.1.3 定期检查轮胎磨损情况 (8)
5.1.4 勤检查气门嘴 (8)
5.1.5 定期做四轮定位 (8)
5.1.6 车辆的停放 (9)
5.1.7 发热时的处理 (9)
第6章我国轮胎工业现状及发展趋势 (10)
6.1 我国轮胎工业现状 (10)
6.1.1 我国近年轮胎产量 (10)
6.2 我国汽车轮胎工业发展趋势 (10)
6.2.1 产量稳定增长 (10)
6.2.2 产品结构精细化 (10)
6.2.3 产品高性能化 (11)