3-1 推广到三维问题,若用笛卡儿张量(笛卡尔坐标系)表示,即有:
3-2 为DELT函数,一般i=j时为1,否则为0. 模型的任务就是给出计算湍流粘性系数的方法。根据建立模型所需要的微分方程的数目,可以分为零方程模型(代数方程模型),单方程模型和双方程模型。
(模拟大空间建筑空气流动)μt=0.038 74ρvl (模拟通风空调室内的空气流动)比例系数由直接数值模拟的结果拟合而得,其中:v为当地时均速度,l为当地距壁面最近的距离。
Zero-Equation Models One-Equation Models Spalart-Allmaras Two-Equation Models Standard k-e RNG k-e Realizable k-e Reynolds-Stress Model Large-Eddy Simulation Direct Numerical Simulation 包含更多物理机理每次迭代计算量增加FLUENT提供的模型选择RANS-based models 湍流模型种类示意图大涡模拟启动需要用命令:(rpsetvar 'les-2d? #t) 第二节平均量输运方程输运过程的粘滞系数、扩散系数和热传导率,故称为输运方程雷诺平均就是把Navier-Stokes方程中的瞬时变量分解成平均量和脉动量两部分。对于速度,有:
二手汽车交易平台app排行3-3 其中,和分别是平均速度和脉动速度(i=1,2,3)类似地,对于压力等其它标量,我们也有:
3-4 其中,表示标量,如压力、能量、组分浓度等。
3-5 3-6 上面两个方程称为雷诺平均的Navier-Stokes(RANS)方程。他们和瞬时Navier-Stokes方程有相同的形式,只是速度或其它求解变量变成了时间平均量。额外多出来的项是雷诺应力,表示湍流的影响。如果要求解该方程,必须模拟该项以封闭方程。
3-7 符号~表示密度加权平均;
3-8 Boussinesq假设被用于Spalart-Allmaras单方程模型和双方程模型。Boussinesq近似的好处是与求解湍流粘性系数有关的计算时间比较少,例如在Spalart-Allmaras单方程模型中,只多求解一个表示湍流粘性的输运方程;
Cmu :(only for the standard or RNG - model or the RSM) is the constant that is used to compute . C1-Epsilon :(only for the standard or RNG - model or the RSM) is the constant used in the transport equation for . C2-Epsilon :(only for the standard, RNG, or realizable - model or the RSM) is the constant used in the transport equation for . C1-PS (only for RSM) is the constant in Equation. C2-PS (only for RSM) is the constant in Equation C1'-PS (only for RSM) is the constant in Equatio
n. C2'-PS (only for RSM) is the constant in Equation Prandtl Number (only for the Spalart-Allmaras model) is the constant in Equation 10.3-1. TKE Prandtl Number (only for the standard or realizable - model, the standard or SST - model, or the RSM) is the effective ``Prandtl''number for transport of turbulence kinetic
energy . This effective Prandtl number defines the ratio of the momentum diffusivity to the diffusivity of turbulence kinetic energy via turbulent transport. TKE (Inner) Prandtl # (only for the SST - model) is the effective ``Prandtl''number for the transport of turbulence kinetic energy, , inside the near-wall region. See Section 10.5.2 for details. TKE (Outer) Prandtl # (only for the SST - model) is the effective ``Prandtl''number for the transport of turbulence kinetic energy, , outside the near-wall region. See Section 10.5.2 for details. TDR Prandtl Number is the effective ``Prandtl''number for transport of the turbulent dissipation rate, , for the standard or realizable - model or the RSM. This effective Prandtl number defines the ratio of the momentum diffusivity to the diffusivity of turbulence dissipation via turbulent transport. For the standard - model, the TDR Prandtl Number is the effective ``Prandtl''number for the transport of the specific dissipation rate, . SDR (Inner) Prandtl # (only for the SST - model) is the effective ``Prandtl''number for the transport of the specific dissipation rate, , inside the near-wall region. See Section 10.5.2 for details. SDR (Outer) Prandtl # (only for the
SST - model) is the effective ``Prandtl''number for the transport of the specific dissipation rate, , outside the near-wall region. See Section 10.5.2 for details. Dispersion Prandtl Number (only for the - multiphase models) is the effective ``Prandtl''number for the dispersed phase, . See Section 22.4.8 for details. Energy Prandtl Number (for any turbulence model except the RNG - model) is the turbulent Prandtl number for energy, Pr , in Equation 10.6-20. (This item will not appear for premixed or partially premixed combustion models.) Wall Prandtl Number (for all turbulence models) is the turbulent Prandtl number at the wall, Pr in Equation 10.8-5. (This item will not appear for adiabatic premixed combustion or partially premixed combustion models.) Turb.
Schmidt Number (for turbulent species transport calculations using any turbulence model except the RNG - model) is the turbulent Schmidt number, Sc , in Equation 13.1-3. PDF Schmidt Number (for non-premixed or partially premixed combustion calculations using any turbulence model) is the model constant in Equation 14.1-5. 详细介绍请访问:jullio.pe.kr/fluent6.1/help/html/ug/node1141.htm 第三节湍流模型3.3.1 单方程(Spalart-Allmaras)模型Spalart-Allmaras模型的求解变量是,表征出了近壁(粘性影响)区域以外的湍流运动粘性系数。的输运方程为:
3-9 其中,是湍流粘性产生项;
3-10 其中,,而。其中,和k是常数,d是计算点到壁面的距离;
3-11 由于平均应变率对湍流产生也起到很大作用,FLUENT处理过程中,定义S为:
3-12 其中,,,,平均应变率定义为:
3-13 在涡量超过应变率的计算区域计算出来的涡旋粘性系数变小。这适合涡流靠近涡旋中心的区域,
微型车推荐3-14 其中,3-15 3-16 3-17 其中,,,是常数,。在上式中,