湖南江南汽车toward an interactive model of reading
An interactive model of reading recognizes that reading is not a passive activity, but rather an active process that involves both the reader and the text. This model emphasizes the importance of reader interactions with the text in order to understand and interpret it.
According to this model, reading involves a process of constructing meaning through a constant interaction between the reader’s prior knowledge, experiences, and expectations, and the information presented in the text. This interaction involves a range of cognitive processes, including decoding and comprehension, as well as metacognitive processes such as monitoring comprehension and self-regulation.
青年莲花suvMoreover, this interactive model acknowledges the effect of the reader’s social and cultural context, which contributes to the construction of meaning. The reader’s background, knowledge, culture, and beliefs may influence their interpretation of the text, leading to different meanings and perspectives.交通违章查询系统
In summary, an interactive model of reading views reading as an active and complex process that involves the active participation of the reader and the text. It recognizes the importance of the reader’s prior knowledge, experiences, and cultural background in constructing meaning, and highlights the importance of metacognitive processes in supporting reading comprehension.