摘要: 汽车“三包”是我国为保护消费者权益制定的专门针对汽车的强制性的汽车质量保证的法律法规,将会对汽车维修业产生很大的影响。结合汽车维修业的特点,研究了汽车“三包”政策的实施内容,分析了汽车“三包”的实施将会给汽车维修业带来的影响和挑战,从维修技术、维修设备、维修工艺等方面提出了改进措施和方法。
abstract three-warranty policy of automobile is the laws of automobile to protect consumer rights and it will have a big impact on vehicle maintenance and repair industry. according to characteristic of vehicle maintenance and repair industry we study three-warranty policy of automobile analyses what challenge will be brought to them with the implementation of three-warranty policy of automobile and put forward some improvement proposals in the repair technology repair equipment personnel and repair process.
关键词: 汽车“三包”;汽车维修业;解决措施
key words automobile three-warrantyvehicle maintenance industry汽车新三包法solving measures
中图分类号:f426 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1006-4311201318-0166-02