n t  i s s u e  p r i o r  t o  u s a g e .
N o r m  v o r  A n w e n d u n g  a u f  A k t u a l i t ät  p r üf e n  / C h e c k  s t a n d a r d  f o r  c u r r e T h e  E n g l i s h  t r a n s l a t i o n  i s  b e l i e v e d  t o  b e  a c c u r a t e .
I n  c a s e  o f  d i s c r e p a n c i e s  t h e  G e r m a n  v e r s i o n  s h a l l  g o v e r n .
Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior written permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.
Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the responsible procurement department.
Q U E L L E : N O L I S
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VW 105 00: 2003-11
1 Scope
This standard includes notes on the use of the company designation and the corporate wordmark "V
olkswagen AG" and provides an overview of the identifications used for vehicle parts.
2 Company designation, wordmark
2.1 Company
Company designations, such as "Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft", are registered and legally protected company codes.
In general, they identify factories, services, objects, information, memos etc. as belonging to a certain company.
2.2 Wordmark of the Volkswagen Group - "Volkswagen AG"
The wordmark "Volkswagen AG" is the exclusive Group brand. This brand is a registered trademark of Volkswagen AG and legally protected as such. It serves for identifying the origin of products and services produced by Volkswagen AG. It aims to symbolize both the unobtrusive self-image and the international importance of Volkswagen AG.
3 Overview of vehicle parts identifications1
3.1 Logos - VW 105 14
Logos acc. to this standard shall serve to identify original parts and to exclude unjustified claims in the case of product liability.
3.2 Country of origin - VW 105 50
Identification with the country of origin shall be based on existing laws and customs regulations.
3.3 Manufacturer’s code - VW 105 40-1, VW 105 40-7
Identification with the manufacturer’s code shall serve to identify the vehicle part manufacturer in the event of damage or product liability as well as the retraceability of parts.
3.4 Part number (drawing number) - VW 010 98
The identification of vehicle parts with the part number establishes the connection to the drawings and makes them easy to find in the spare parts areas and repair workshops.
3.5 Date marking - VW 105 60
Date marking is required to fulfill official requirements, to sort goods acc. to their indates and, in the event of damage, to ensure that the parts can be retraced.
1 Notes for application, examples of entries, dimensions, etc. are provided in the standards named in Section 3.
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3.6 Material designation - VDA 260
All plastic vehicle components (including textiles) shall be identified acc. to VDA 260.
Identification shall be applied at appropriate location so that the appearance of the product is not affected negatively.
Assemblies such as seats, door trim panels, dashboards, etc. which are permanently attached to on
e another and whose material designation is not visible after installation, shall be provided with the specifications of the single parts.
Metallic vehicle components shall be marked acc. to VDA 260, if pure-type recycling is economically viable or required for environmental reasons.
3.7 Identification required by law or governmental agencies
These identifications, for instance type approval marks on electric bulbs, strength specifications on high-strength joining elements, approval marks on safety glass, identification of hazardous substances, must be applied in a clearly visible manner at a suitable location on the respective parts.
3.8 Identification of vehicle parts that require archiving - VW 010 64
In addition to the identifications described in Sections 3.1 to 3.7, vehicle parts or assemblies whose data is recorded and archived over a long period of time for each vehicle to ensure retraceability, shall be identified with a bar code or 2-D code acc. to VW 010 64.
4 Requirements
All vehicle parts from outside and in-house manufacturing, which are standard production parts, spare parts, and accessories of the Volkswagen Group and its brands, must be identified acc. to this standard.
The identification must be permanent, easily legible, and applied such that the part can be identified as an original part even when it is in its installed condition.
The identification shall be defined on drawings, as described in VW 010 58, by means of the text macro NO-E2 acc. to VW 010 14 and in the performance specifications.
For original parts of the vehicle brands of the Volkswagen Group, which are only sold as assemblies, a single identification shall suffice. If parts from assemblies are also sold individually, these shall likewise be identified.
Identification may only be omitted,
- if the identification is technically impossible, e.g. in the case of small parts,
- if the identification would impact negatively on the driving or operational safety of the vehicle.
If due to space restrictions only a partial identification is possible, the following order of priority is to be observed (identifications that are not to be applied shall crossed out on the drawings):
1. Logos acc. to VW 105 14
2. Country of origin acc. to VW 105 50
3. Manufacturer’s code acc. to VW 105 40-1 (VW 105 40-7)
4. Part number
5. Date marking acc. to VW 105 60
6. Material code acc. to VDA 260
Alternative parts identification can be specified by the responsible design department in consultation with 4-VO-4 (Original Parts Product Definition), Quality Assurance, and the Standards Department EZTD Technical Documentation.
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4.1 Designation
Entries in drawings and performance specifications:
Parts identification acc. to VW 105 00.
5 Identification of communications media
The brand logos for identifying communications media serve to clarify the corporate strategy. They serve as graphic identification symbols for the Group brands and are used in advertising, forms, company stationary, packaging, and similar.
They comply with the fundamental separation within the framework of the multi-brand strategy. Brand logos shall not be combined. If the sender is actually several brands, these are combined under the umbrella of the Volkswagen Group (see Section 2.2, Wordmark of the Volkswagen Group).
Notes on use, as well as the relevant valid status of the brand logos, are contained in CI-Net (the Corporate Identify Internet site) of the Group brands.
6 Vehicle product names
Product names such as Golf, Sharan, Audi TT, Fabia, Ibiza, etc. are sales designations stipulated by the Marketing department and are registered wordmarks of Volkswagen AG.  Spelling of these wordmarks shall be uniform.
7 Referenced
VW 010 14 Technical Drawings; Drawing Frames and Text Macros
VW 01058 Technical Drawings; Type of Lettering
VW 010 64 Coding on Vehicle Parts
VW 010 98 Part Number System
VW 105 14 Logos; Identification for Vehicle Parts
VW 105 40-1 Manufacturer’s code; For vehicle parts
VW 105 40-7 Identification of Valve Springs
VW 105 50 Country of Origin Identification; Vehicle Parts
VW 105 60 Date Marking; Vehicle Parts
VDA 260 Automotive Components, Identification of Materials (available only in German)
2 In this section terminological inconsistencies may occur as the original titles are used.