Application Sheet
BG-马克思是结合有益微生物和快速反应酶的一种生物配方,它能被使用在,对高强度的废水进行无氧处理不同的行业。BG Max is a biological formulation combining beneficial microorganisms and fast-acting enzymes. BG M ax can be used in a variety of industries that use anaerobic treatment for high-strength wastewaters. I t increases biogas generation and improves efficiency of the anaerobic system.
产品中的微生物和快速反应酶,具有增加产气和无氧处理的效率。在无氧处理阶段,越多的COD被降解,就有越多的生物气体的产生,且就有越少的COD 进入有氧处理系统。T he microorganisms and enzymes in BG M ax were chosen for their ability to generate biogas and increase anaerobic treatment efficiency. A s more C O D is degraded in the anaerobic treatment stage, more biogas can be produced and less C O D gets sent to the aerobic system.
生物气体是一种可更新的能源,能利用来作为热源,或转化成电。生物气体的使用是可持续发展的商业实践并给您的投资带很强的回报信息。Biogas is a source of renewable energy and can be used as a heat source or converted into electricity. Biogas use can qualify for carbon credits and be traded on numerous credit exchanges. U sing biogas is also a sustainable business practice that sends a strong
corporate message and generates a return on investment.
无氧废水处理是专门设计来对付高强度的废水,但它的处理效果对水流量的波动,废水成份的改变,和操作条件变化非常敏感。BG-马克思就是用来帮助您克服这些缺点,提高系统处理效果的。Anaerobic wastewater systems are designed to treat high-strengthwastestreams but are very sensitive to fluctuations in loading, changes in wastewater composition or changes in the operating conditions. BG Max technology helps to overcome these deficiencies and enhance the system performance.
产品特点Product characteristics
315汽车BG-马克思有干粉状和水溶剂两种。它的每克产品中含有的微生物落总数是两百万,它专为无氧处理池所设计。BG Max is available as a dry powder packaged in a water-soluble SoluPaks. I t has a bacterial count of 2 billion cfu/g. I t is designed for use in anaerobic pretreatment units and lagoons.
碳氢酸,乙醇,还有氢气,二氧化碳和氨气;第三阶段是酸衰退阶段,产生乙酸,氢气和二氧化碳;第四阶段是产甲烷阶段,产生甲烷气和二氧化碳。Biogas is generated during a 4-step biological process. T he first step of the process, hydrolysis, results in the conversion of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to sugars, fatty acids, and amino acids. Following hydrolysis, the acidogenesis step results in the production of carbon acids. T he third step, acetogenesis, results in acetic acid, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. T he final step, methanogenesis, is where methane is formed by specific microorganisms called methanogens.
境中生存。BG Max is most active in the hydrolysis and acidogenesis steps. The microorganisms and enzymes in BG M ax degrade a wide range of organic compounds, including proteins, fats, sugars, and starches. BG Max contains facultative microorganisms, meaning that they are able to grow in both aerobic and anaerobic environments.
BG-马克思的运行效果主要表现在增加无氧系统的产气量和COD的降解程度;一般无氧系统比有氧活性污泥法处理要产生较少的污泥量,也要求较少的能量,因此,在无氧系统中降低COD对增强整个系统的处理效果,减轻有氧处理负荷,减少淤泥量及其处理费用和系统操作能量需求费用的节省有着至关重要的作用。Performance will depend on system and plant specifics. T he primary performance benefits for BG M ax are generally linked to the amount of biogas generated and the amount of C O D degraded. A naerobic systems produce less sludge than conventional aerobic activated sludge systems and require less energy. T herefore, any additional C O D degraded in the anaerobic system reduces overall solids handling costs and reduces the overall energy demand.
图一表明了BG-马克思被直接加入生猪加工厂的无氧系统后的,COD的降解的生物气体的成倍的增加的效果。Figure 1 shows the results when BG M ax was added directly to an anaerobic unit for a swine processing plant. T he plant experienced a twofold increase in biogas yield per kg of C O D degraded.
图二表明了一个水果保鲜加工厂COD 降低的效果。在BG-马克思被加入无氧系统后,COD 的去除率增加了18%。这个效果稳定了接下来的有氧处理系统,减少了整个系统的费用和能量需求。Figure 2 shows the C O D reduction results of a fruit preserve processor. A fter adding BG M ax, the C O D removal efficiency increased by 18% in the anaerobic treatment unit. T his stabilized the downstream
aerobic system and reduced solids handling costs and energy demand. 用法Usage
BG-马克思每天加从无氧处理系统的入口直接加入即可,BG-马克思可运用于广泛的工业废水系统。BG Max is added daily directly to the influent wastestream just prior to entering the anaerobic treatment unit or lagoon. BG M ax can be used in a variety of industries and treatment system types.
用量要依反应池的大小和COD 的高低来决定。在最初使用产品时,要加大剂量,以便微生物的快速反应。当微生物组织建立起来后,日常只要较小的剂量来保持生物活性就行了。The dosage rate for an anaerobic treatment system is dependent upon the volume of the reactor and the C O D load. During the initial seeding period, an increased dosage is used to quickly establish the microorganisms in the system. When biomass is properly grown, regular dosing is necessary to maintain an accelerated level of biological activity.
25磅袋装或454克的瓶装25 x 1 lb/454 g SoluPak
贮存条件Safety and handling
保存在10–35 ºC 的较凉和干燥的地方。防止粉末吸入,防止眼晴接触,粘在手上的可用肥皂和水清洗即可。Store in a cool, dry place at 10–35 ºC (50–95 ºF). Avoid inhalation of dusts. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling. A void eye contact.
IFM Accelerators微生物加速剂Microbial Vitamin Source 微生物维生素源
A concentrated source of micronutrients in a dry formulation. In contrast to nitrogen and phosphorus, micronutrients are required in relatively minor qualities but are equally as critical to healthy bacterial growth and organic degradation. 这是一种高度浓缩的干式配方的微生物营养源。与氮和磷相比,微营养只需要很少的剂量,但是,它对细菌的健康生长和有机物降解起着致关重要的作用。
Specially, in Fermentation process, the added vit amin source can initially help methanogens to get optimal state. 特别是在无氧发酵过程中,微生物维生素源可使产甲烷菌达到最优的状态。
Recommended for certain industrial wastes, Microbial Vitamin Source is a complex natural mixture that contains a broad variety of minerals, amino acids and vitamins that act as growth factors and building blocks for cell synthesis. Nutritional requirements
for micronutrients are typically measured in microgram per liter quantities and vary widely among mic
roorganisms. A dose of 1.0 lb/100,000 gallons (approximately 1.0 kg/million liters) provides an average concentration of 30ug/L for each component. 被推
荐使用在工业废水,微生物维生素源是一个复杂的混合物,它包括了广泛的矿物质,氨基酸,和维生素。它们在有益细菌生长和细胞合成的过程中起着非常关键的作用。微生物的营养要求是由微克每升的单位来计量的。此产品的剂量是大约1kg /百万升,即1kg/1000吨,产生一个30微克/升的剂量。
Initial go 15 lbs / day for  5 days,    4 lbs / day thereafter.  With digester they will have to watch volatile acids : alkalinity ratio.
I would advise they add vitamin source initially to help methanogens get to optimal state before adding BG Max. I would do initial dose of Vitamin Source as recommended then wait 1 week for BG max addition.
The BG Max will speed up acid production so it’s critical to make sure methanogens are available for increased production.
With digesters and retention time it will take 3-4 weeks for stabilization to occur followed by increased gas production / Volatile solids destruction.