摘 要
Stamping technology is a very high practical value based manufacturing technology in the production of all aspects of life are widely used. Stamping process and die design stamping
technology is the main content of many of the world economically developed countries take it as a key development in applied science and technology, known as enterprise efficiency amplifiers, metal processing emperors. The graduation project is through the automobile gaskets for process analysis, process solutions and determine the form of the mold structure, the final design of a suitable mold structure and draw nonstandard parts diagram.
This design mainly involves blanking, punching, bending process analysis and design of mold related parts. The end result of the requirement to design the optimal stamping die parts. The design of the mold is the use of blanking, punching, bending progressive die, by comparing the method to find the optimal nesting, feeding, etc., then the parts and access to information design and selection of the various parts of mold standard parts , final assembly tooling and verify complete this design.
第1章 绪 论
1.1 模具发展现状
例如,吉林大学汽车覆盖件成型技术所独立研制的汽车覆盖件冲压成型分析KMAS软件,华中理工大学模具技术国家重点实验室开发的注塑模、汽车覆盖件模具和级进模CAD/CAE/CAM软件,上海交通大学模具CAD360汽车国家工程研究中心开发的冷冲模和精冲研究中心开发的冷冲模和精冲模CAD软件等在国内模具行业拥有不少的用户。 虽然中国模具工业在过去十多年中取得了令人瞩目的发展,但许多方面与工业发达国家相比仍有较大的差距。例如,精密加工设备在模具加工设备中的比重比较低;CAD/CAE/CAM技术的普及率不高;许多先进的+模具技术应用不够广泛等等,致使相当一部分大型、精密、复杂和长寿命模具依赖进口。
1.2 未来冲压模具制造技术发展趋势