Static vs.DynamicTorque
Dynamic T orque 动态扭矩:
Dynamic torque is the accepted Strategy for fastening in General Motors.This
汽车动态method is used by the Bosch electric wrehches in Powertrain Assembly
Static T orque静态扭矩:
Static T orque is the method used when a bolt is rechecked with a manual torque
wrench.Static T orque is not the accepted method for fastening in General Motors.
Static vs.DynamicT orque 静态和动态扭矩的比较:
Dynamic torque is much more accurate and repeatable then static torque.There
is normally a difference between dynamic torque readings and static torque
rechecks.The difference depend on the characteristics of each joint and each
bolt.Factors contributing to this difference include:
1.Soft joints(gaskets and sealers)
2.Time after fastening
3. Condition of the part(haS ii been run?)
Do not be alarmed by a difference between the dynamic torque and a statiC
recheck.This is a normal condition.
若发现动态扭矩和静态重检扭矩读数不同,请不要紧张.这是正常现象.Since a static recheck is less accurate than the original dynamic
torque and the
recheck disturbs the good joint,it is not a good practice to recheck good partS.
Static rechecks should only be used during repairs,rejected parts analysis or as
part of a teardown audit.DO not statically recheck good engines or transmissions.
A database of static vs.dynamic values will be developed as part of the
teardown audits by the quality department.This is the only reliable way to gather
sufficient data to understand this problem.