Braking devices制动装置021008
Deutscher Text:德语文
71/320/EWG - Bremsanlage
Title of the Standard / History标准名称/历史
Transitional Provisions 过渡性条款
ANNEX I - Definitions, construction and fitting requirements, application for EC type-approval, granting of EC type-approval, modifications of type and amendments to approvals, conformity of production附件一-定义,制造和安装要求,申请欧共体型号许可,颁发欧共体型号许可,型号的修改许可,产品的合
格ANNEX II - Braking tests and performance of braking systems附件二-制动测试和制动系统的性能
Appendix - Distribution of braking effort among vehicle axles附件-制动力在车辆车轴上的分布
ANNEX III - Method of measuring the reaction time for vehicles with compressed-air braking systems附件三-测量安装了压缩空气制动系统的车辆反应时间的方法
Appendix - Example of a simulator附件-调节器样品
ANNEX IV - Energy reservoirs and sources of energy附件四-能量存储器和能量源
ANNEX V - Spring brakes附件五-弹簧刹车
ANNEX VI - Parking braking by mechanical locking of the brake cylinders (lock actuators)附件六-使用刹车气缸的机械锁驻车制动(锁促动器)
ANNEX VII - Cases in which Type I and/or II or IIA or Type III tests do not have to be carried out on a vehicle submitted for type-approval附件七-对提交型号许可的车辆不需要执行I 和/或 II (或IIA) or III型测试的情况
Appendix 1 - Alternative procedures for Type I and Type III tests for trailer brakes附件1-另外一个拖车刹车的I和III类测试程序
Appendix 2 - Model reference axle test report form
ANNEX VIII - Conditions governing the testing of vehicles with inertia (overrun) braking systems附件八-装备惯性(超速)制动系统的车辆测试条件
Appendix 1 - Explanatory diagrams附件1-说明图
Appendix 2 - Test report on the control device附件2-关于控制装置的测试报告
Appendix 3 - Test report on the brake附件3-关于刹车的测试报告
Appendix 4 - Test report on the compatibility of the control device, the transmission and the brakes附件4-关于控制装置,传动和刹车兼容性的测试报告
ANNEX IX - Type-approval documentation附件九-型号许可文件
Appendix 1 - Type-approval certificate附件1-型号许可证书
Appendix 2 - Test report附件2-测试报告
Appendix 3 - List of vehicle data for the purpose of approvals pursuant to Annex XV附件3-以依据附件十五的许可为目的的车辆数据的列表
ANNEX X - Test conditions for vehicles with anti-lock braking systems附件十-有防抱死制动系统的车辆的测试要求
Appendix 1 - Symbols and definitions附件1-符号和定义
Appendix 2 - Utilisation of adhesion附件2-附着使用
Appendix 3 - Performance on differing adhesion surfaces附件s-不同附着表面的表现
Appendix 4 - Method of selection of the low-adhesion surface附件4-低附着表面选择的方法
ANNEX XI - Test conditions for trailers with electrical braking systems附件十一-具有电子制动系统的拖车的测试条件
Appendix - Compatibility diagram附件-兼容图
ANNEX XII - Inertia dynamometer test method for brake linings附件十二-制动衬面的惯性功率计测试方法
ANNEX XIII - Braking and deviation test for vehicles with temporary-use spare wheels/tyres附件十三-具有临时使用备用车轮/轮胎的制动可偏离测试
ANNEX XIV - Alternative procedure for testing trailer anti-lock braking systems附件十四-测试拖车防抱死制动系统的另外一种程序
Appendix 1 - Trailer anti-lock braking system approval report附件1-拖车防抱死制动系统许可报告Appendix 2 - Symbols and definitions附件2-符号和定义
ANNEX XV - Type-approval of replacement brake lining assemblies as separate technical units附件十五-作为独立技术单元的制动衬面型号许可替换
Appendix 1 - Arrangements of the approval mark and approval data 附件1-许可标识和许可数据安排Appendix 2 - Requirements for replacement brake lining assemblies for vehicles of categories M1, M2 and N1附件2-M1,M2,和N1型号机动车制动衬面更换要求
Appendix 3 - Requirements for replacement brake lining assemblies for vehicles of categories O1 and O2 01和02型号机动车制动衬面更换要求
Appendix 4 - Determination of friction behaviour by machine testing通过机器确定摩擦动作测试
ANNEX XVI - EC type-approval certificate (separate technical units)EC型号许可证书(单独技术单元)
ANNEX XVII - Information document for replacement brake lining assemblies更换刹车装配信息文件
ANNEX XVIII - Information document for motor vehicles机动车信息文件
ANNEX XIX - Information document for trailers 有关拖车信息文件
Commission Directive 2002/78/EC of 04.10.2002委员会决议 2002/78/EC of 04.10.2002
Annex I - Paragraphs 2.3 to 2.3.4;附件一-第 2.3到2.3.4段
Annex IX - Appendix I (footnote); addendum (1.2 to附件九-附件1(脚注)附录(1.2 到 1.2.
2.1)Annex XV - Paragraphs 6.1 and 6.3.4.附件十五-第 6.1 到 6.3.4段
of 26 July 19711971年7月26日
on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the braking devices of
certain categories of motor vehicles and of their trailers有关统一成员国关于某些类型的机动车辆和其拖车的制动装置的法律
71/320/EEC of 26.07.1971 OJ No. L202 of 06.09.1971
OJ No. L73 of 27.03.1972
74/132/EEC of 11.02.1974 OJ No. L74 of 19.03.1974
75/524/EEC of 25.07.1975 OJ No. L236 of 08.09.1975
79/489/EEC of 18.04.1979 OJ No. L128 of 26.05.1979
85/647/EEC of 23.12.1985 OJ No. L380 of 31.12.1985
88/194/EEC of 24.03.1988 OJ No. L92 of 09.04.1988
91/422/EEC of 15.07.1991 OJ No. L233 of 22.08.1991
98/12/EC of 27.01.1998 OJ No. L81 of 18.03.1998.
2002/78/EC of 01.10.2002 OJ No. L267 of 04.10.2002
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and
in particular Article 100 thereof;考虑到建议欧盟委员会的条约特别是其中的第100
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission;考虑到委员会的建议;
Having regard to the Opinion of the European Parliament (1);考虑到欧洲议会的意
Having regard to the Opinion of the Economic and Social Committee (2);考虑到经
Whereas the technical requirements which motor vehicles must satisfy pursuant
to national laws relate, inter alia, to the braking devices of certain categories of
motor vehicles and of their trailers;鉴于依据有关某些类型机动车辆和其拖车的制动
Whereas those requirements differ from one Member State to another; whereas
it is therefore necessary that all Member States adopt the same requirements
either in addition to or instead of their existing rules, in order, in particular, to
allow the EEC type approval procedure which was the subject of the Council
Directive of 6 February 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member
States relating to the type approval of motor vehicles and their trailers to be
applied in respect of each type of vehicles (3);鉴于这些要求在成员国之间互不相同,
Whereas the harmonised requirements must ensure road safety throughout the
whole Community;鉴于在整个欧盟保证道路安全的协调一致的要求:
(1) OJ N° C 160, 18. 12. 1969, p. 7.
(2) OJ N° C 100, 01. 08. 1969, p. 13.
(3) OJ N° L 42, 23. 02. 1970, p. 1.
Article 1条款1
1. For the purposes of this Directive, "vehicle" means any vehicle as defined in
Article 2 of Directive 70/156/EEC. Vehicle categories are defined in Annex IIA to
Directive 70/156/EEC. 为了实现本决议的目的, “车辆”为 70/156/EEC决议条款2
2. Articulated category M vehicles made up of two non-separable but articulated
units shall be considered to be single vehicles.由两个非独立但是绞接单元构成的M类
3. In the case of category N vehicles, the equipment and fittings of certain special
vehicles not intended for the carriage of passengers (such as crane vehicles,
workshop vehicles, publicity vehicles) shall be considered to be goods.如果是N类
Article 2条款2
No Member State may refuse to grant EEC type-approval or national
type-approval of a vehicle on grounds relating to its braking device if that vehicle
is fitted with the devices specified in the relevant Annexes and if these devices
satisfy the requirements set out therein.如果机动车辆符合相关的附件中规定的装置
Article 2a第二条a
No Member State may refuse or prohibit the sale or registration, entry into
service or use of a vehicle on grounds relating to its braking device if that vehicle
is fitted with the devices specified in the relevant Annexes and if these devices
satisfy the requirements set out therein.如果机动车辆符合相关的附件中规定的装置并
Article 3条款3
The Member State which has granted type approval shall take the necessary
measures to ensure that it is informed of any modification to a component or
characteristic mentioned in item 1.1 of Annex I. The competent authorities of that
State shall decide whether the modified prototype should be submitted to fresh
tests and whether a fresh report should be drawn up thereon. If such tests reveal
failure to comply with the requirements of this Directive, the modification shall
not be authorised.赋予了型号许可的成员国应当采取必要的措施保证通报附件1第
Article 4条款4
Pending the entry into force of a separate Directive on the definition of an ’urban bus’, such vehicles shall continue to be submitted to the Type II A test described
in Annex II where their maximum weight exceeds 10 metric tons.除非有单独的
Article 5条款5
The amendments necessary for adjusting the requirements of the Annexes so as
to take account of technical progress shall be adopted in accordance with the
procedure laid down in Article 13 of the Council Directive 70/156/EEC on the type
approval of motor vehicles and their trailers.调整附件的要求以便适应技术革新的修正
Article 6条款6
1. Member States shall put into force the provisions containing the requirements
needed in order to comply with this Directive within eighteen months of its
notification and shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof.成员国应当在决议发
2. With effect from 1. October 1974, the provisions of item of Annex I shall
also apply to vehicles other than those in category M3 or category N3.从197
3. Member States shall ensure that the texts of the main provisions of national law
which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive are communicated to the
Article 7条款7
This Directive is addressed to the Member States.本决议发送给成员国。
Done at Brussels, 26 July 1971.1971年七月26日于布鲁塞尔
For the Council委员会东南汽车论坛
The President主席
Article 2条款2
With effect from 1 January 2003 Member States shall not, on grounds relating to
vehicle braking systems prohibit the sale or entry into service of replacement
brake linings if the replacement brake linings comply with the requirements of
Directive 71/320/EEC, as amended by this Directive.如果更换制动衬面以符合本决议
修正的决议71/320/EEC的要求,从2003年1月起, 成员国不应当以机动车辆刹车系
Article 3条款3
(1) With effect from 1 June 2003 Member States may, on grounds relating to vehicle
braking systems prohibit the sale or entry into service of replacement brake
linings if the replacement brake linings do not comply with the requirements of
Directive 71/320/EEC, as amended by this Directive. 如果更换制动衬面不符合本决
议修正的决议71/320/EEC的要求,从2003年6月1日起, 成员国可以以机动车辆刹
(2) Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph 1, for the purpose of replacement
parts, Member States shall permit the sale or entry into service of replacement
brake linings intended for fitting to vehicle types for which type-approval was
granted prior to the entry into force of Directive 71/320/EEC, as amended by
Directive 98/12/EC, and on condition that such replacement brake linings do not
contravene the provisions of the previous version of Directive 71/320/EEC, as
amended by Directive 98/12/EC, which was applicable at the time of entry into
service of these vehicles. In any case these brake linings shall not contain
Article 4条款4
Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative
provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by 31 December 2002 at the
latest. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof.成员国最迟必须在200
When Member States adopt those provisions, they shall contain a reference to
this Directive or be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their
official publication. Member States shall determine how such reference is to be
Article 5条款5
This Directive shall enter into force on the 20th day following that of its publication
in the Official Journal of the European Communities.本决议应当在欧共体的官方公报
Article 6条款6
This Directive is addressed to the Member States.本决议应当通报给各成员国。 ANNEX I 附件一