Abbreciation Note Chinese Remark
8D 8 Discipline Report 8D 报告 A comprehensive team-based corrective action plan for objectively identifying, quantifying and resolving process and product quality issues.
A ABS Anti-lock Break System 防抱死制动系统
ABS+T 防抱死制动系统+循迹系统
ACI Automatic Car Identification System 汽车自动识别系统
APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning 产品质量先期策划
AQL Approval Quality Level 品质允收水准 C=0/AQL=0.4
APQP Advanced Product and Quality Planning 先期质量策划
ASC 加速防滑控制
ASD Approval Supplier Database 合格供应商名录
ASES Alliance Supplier Evaluation Standard
ASM 动态稳定系统
ASN Advance Shipping Notification
ASR 加速防滑系统
ASSY Assembly 装配
A-TRC 车身主动循迹控制系统
AVL Approved Vendor List 被Intier客户和Intier批准的供应商名单
AYC 主动偏行系统
B BAS 制动辅助系统
BDAR Business Development Activity Request
BOM Bill Of Material 材料清单
C CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计
CAPEX SCAPital Expenditure "Is a process used for controlling program budget
during and after an APQP program."
CC's Critical Characteristics 关键特性
CDL Control Door Lock 控制门锁
CER Capital Expenditure Request 固定资产投资申请 "CER is a capital expenditure application package that all
divisions of Intier Group are requested to fill out when there is a new program and/or capital investment"
CFT Cross Functional Team 跨部门小组
CFR 成本加运费(……指定目的港)
CIF Cost Insurance&Freight 到岸价
CIP 运费、保险费付至(……指定目的港)
CMK Capability of Machine Index 设备能力指数
CN Change Notice 更改通知
COP Company Operating Procedure 公司营运程序
CP Control Plan 控制计划
CPK Capability of Process Index 工序能力指数
CPT 运费付至(……指定目的港)
D DAF 边境交货(……指定地点)
DCC Document Control Coordinator 文件控制协调员
DDP Delivery with Duty Paid 完税交货价
DDU Delivery with Duty Unpaid 未完税交货价
DES Delivered Ex Ship 目的港船上交货价
DEQ Delivered Ex Quay 目的港码头交货价
DFM Design For Manufacturing
DL Direct Labor 直接员工
DMN Defect Material Notice 不合格品控制单
DOS Days Of Stock 存货天数
DSC/VSC 车身稳定控制系统
DV Design Verification 设计验证 DV are tests, inspections, and procedures that must be accomplished before productions starts to verify design intent.
E EBA 紧急制动辅助系统
EBD 电子制动力分配系统
ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程变更通知
ECR Engineering Change Request 工程变更申请 ECR is a request for a change to the product.
ECU Engineering Change Utilization 工程变更实施
EDI Electronic Data Infrastructrue 电子数据信息
EDS 电子差速锁
EES 座椅自动调节系统
EHS Environment, Health&Safety 环境、健康、安全
EIC Carbon Emission Index 碳排放量指数
EOL End of Line 终检 "EOL tester is the testing device used at the end of the
assembly line to ensure that all products meet specific requirements."
EOS Employee Opinion Survey 员工意见调查
EPS Expanded Polystyrenes 改良聚苯乙烯
ERP Enterprise Resources Planning 企业资源计划
ESP 电子稳定程序系统
EV Equipment Variation 设备变差
EXW 厂内交货
F FAI First Article Inspection 首次检验
FAQ‘s Frequently Ask Question 常见问题
FAS 船边交货(……指定装运港)
FCA 货交承运人(……指定地点)
FF 前轮驱动
FIFO First In First Out 先进先出标签
FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 失效模式及后果分析
FOB Free on board 离岸价
FQC Finial Quality Control 最终出货检验
FR 后轮驱动
FSP Ford Supplier Portal
F-W-D Car 前轮驱动轿车
G GAGE gage 量具
GD&T Geometric Dimensioning&Tolerancing 形状与位置公差
GIS 地理信息管理系统
GPS Global Postioning System 全球卫星定位系统
GP12 General Motor Process 12 通用遏制计划
GT 跑车
I IATF International Automotive Task Force 国际汽车工作组
IDL Indirect Labor 间接员工
IMDS International Material Data System
IRR Incoming Reject Report 进料拒收报告
ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织
J JD Job Description 工作描述
JIT Just In Time 及时生产
K KC key characteristics 关键特性
KOI Key Operating Index 主要绩效考核指标
L LOT lot 批次
M MAR Manufacturing Action Request Form 特采单
MES Manufacturing Execution System "A generic industry term used to describe manufacturing
systems that perform tracking, process monitoring and
control of automated manufactuing processes."
MFG Manufacturing
MPV Multi Purpose Vehicles 多功能汽车
MOQ Min Order Quatity
MPS Master Production Schedule
MRB Material Review Board 材料审核小组 Consist Quality, Material, ME, Production.
MRO Maintenance Repair and Others 非原材料采购
MSA Measure System Analysis 测量系统分析
N NCRs Nonconformance Reports 不符合项报告
O ODS Operator Description Sheet "ODS is used to describe and/or illustrate what an
operator needs to do to complete his/her job properly."
OEE Overall Equipment Effectiveness 全面设备效率
OEM Original Equipment manufacturers 原始设备制造商(主机厂)
OGP ogp(公司名) 光学测量仪
OIL Open Issue List 开口问题清单 "A form used for recording review and disposition of
concerns from customers, internal and supplier concerns."
OQC Output Quality Control 出货检验
OTS Off Tooling Sample 工装样件 "Off tool samples are the initial samples that suppliers
submit for assessment of tlloing and functions."
P PCL Powered Child Lock 电动儿童门锁
PCN Process Change Notice 工艺变更通知 PCN is a request for a change to the process.
PDP Product Delievery Process
PEP Program Execution Process
PFMEA Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 过程失效模式及后果分析
PM Program Manager
PPAP Production Parts Approval Process 生产件批准程序
PPK primary Process Capability 短期过程能力
PPM Part Per Million quality metrics 百万分之概率
PSO Process Sign-Off
PSW Part Submit Warranty 零件提交保证
PV Test Production Validation Test 工艺生产验证 "PV test is used to validate a product or process for
volume production"
Q QC Quality Control 质量控制
QIP 过程检验规程
QMS Quality Management System 质量管理体系
QSA Quality System Audit 质量体系评定
Quattro 全时四轮驱动系统
R RFI Request For Information 信息申请表
RFQ Request For Quote 报价申请 "Request from Customer(S) for pricing information on a
product or a proposal"
RPN Risk Priority Number 风险系数
RSP 电子稳定程序
RTV Return To Vendor 退回供应商
Run#Rate 节拍生产 "A systematic tool to qualify the output of manufacturing
process interms of documentation and implementation"
S SC's Special Characteristics 特殊特性 "Are specifications which require special manufacuring control to
assure compliance with customer or government requirements."
SIM Supplier Improvement Metrics 供应商改进数据 "Supplier performance measurements available
through FSP(Ford Supplier Portal"
SLL Skip Lot List 免检清单
SOP Start Of Production 批量生产 "A milestone date that a product/assembly line stars
its volume production after PV test passes and PPAP is approved by the customer."
SOP's Standard Operation Procedure 标准作业程序
SPC Statistical Process Control, 统计过程控制 "The use of statistical techniques such as control charts
to analyze a process or its outputs so as to take appropriate actions to achieve and a state of statistical control and to improve the process capability.,"
SQA Supplier Quality Assurance
SREA Supplier Request for Engineering Approval
SRS 双安全气囊
STA Supplier Technical Assistance 供应商技术支持 "Ford Motor Company's team dedicated to assist
in the development of supplier processes."
T TRC/TCS 牵引力控制系统
V VDA Verdand Dor Automobiliudustrie ev 德国汽车工业联合会
W WGQ 外高桥
WI Work Instruction