Design of driving forms control system
of four-wheel drive electric vehicle
The four-wheel drive(4WD) EV is one of the developing directions for further EV. Because of its perfect Controlling performance and good application prospect in engineering, 4WD EV have been getting universal attention by both academicians and engineers.It also has become a research hotspot of research.Firstly,according to the requirements of the vehicle parameters and power performance,we need to calculate main indicators such as the motor power, rotational speed, and select the model for wheel-hub brushless DC motor. According to different working condition, we should choose suitable driving forms for EV, and build up the  model of driving control system about four-wheel independent drive EV.Then,according to EV working condition of pavement, we need to adopt certain control strategy and drive strategy.By switching the working state of the motor, 4WD EV can not only work in different conditions (such as starting, climbing and turning) to choose
adapted drive forms, but also under different levels of the road (such as urban roads, highways) to choose the best way of driving.Which achieve the real-time four-wheel drive for EV, so as to maximize the advantages of EV driving forms control.Finally,by establishing the mathematical models and using MATLAB to simulation,we can set up the simulation models for driving force models of wheel-hub motor, vehicle models and control strategy models. Above research shows that the 4WD is a kind of ideal and feasible driving form; the simulation models in this paper is reasonable and practical.
Key words:Four-wheel drive;The control of driving forms;Different working conditions;Wheel brushless DC motor
目  录
1 绪论    1
1.1 课题研究背景    1
1.2 电动汽车国内外发展状况    1
1.2.1 国外发展状况    1
1.2.2 国内发展状况    2
1.3 电动汽车驱动方式控制的研究状况    3
1.4 本章小结    4
2 四轮电动汽车的驱动分析    5
2.1 电动汽车的行驶阻力    5
2.2 四轮电驱汽车的驱动力    6
2.3 四轮电驱汽车的受力特点    7
2.4 驱动电机的介绍    9
2.5 本章小结    11
3 四轮独立驱动电动汽车驱动模型的建立    12
3.1 永磁无刷直流电机特性分析    12
3.2 轮毂式永磁无刷直流电机模型    14
3.3 整车模型    17
3.3.1 电动汽车整车动力学模型的建立    17
3.3.2 纵向承载横向不承载车身结构    19
3.3.3 整车控制策略    20
3.4 本章小结    22
4 四轮电动汽车的驱动方式控制    23
4.1 驱动工况研究    23
4.1.1 平路工况    23
4.1.2 启动工况    25
4.1.3 加速工况    25
4.1.4 坡道工况    26
4.1.5 跛行工况    26
4.2 电动汽车驱动方式的控制    26
4.2.1 电动车几种简单的行驶状态    27
4.2.2 简单力学条件    28
4.2.3 复杂受力情况    29
4.2.4 电动汽车驱动方式应用情况    30
4.3 本章小结    32
5 四轮驱动电动汽车不同条件下的优化和仿真    33
5.1 电动汽车数据处理    33
5.2 模型仿真    36
6 总结和展望    47