This procedure establishes standardized functional image attributes and the method to evaluate and rate the attributes. Customer Functional Attribute Ratings provide subjective comparisons between selected vehicles, which may include a baseline vehicle. Ratings quantify the relationship of various attributes or characteristics between a group of vehicles defined as having a similar customer base, common market segment, or desired functional attributes. The evaluation drives will be defined in the Total Program Work Plan (TPWP) to allow vehicle preparation and team organization. These drives may occur prior to key milestones or after a major build phase (prototype or launch). The functional attribute status resulting from the evaluation drives is compared to either Targets or Objectives in all program milestone approval documentation. CETP 00.00-R-202, Functional Attribute Rating of Vehicles, provides a consistent method to quantify attributes throughout the vehicle development process.
本流程建立了规范的功能影像属性以及评估评级这些属性的方法。 客户功能属性评级提供选
车辆的主观比较,选定车型可能包括基本车型。评级可以量化一组具有相同客户的车型的属性或特征之间的相互关系,比如共同的市场领域或者理想的功能属性。评估驱动将由项目工作总计划(TPWP)来确定以便于车辆准备和组织构架。评估活动可能发生在重要时间节点之前或者主要制造阶段(样车或发布)之后。由评估活动得到的功能属性状态将与所有项目节点批准的文件中的目标进行比较。CETP 00.00-R-202,汽车功能属性评级提供车辆开发过程中连续量化属性的方法。
1.1 COMMONALITY. This is a CONTROL TEST and can be used to qualify vehicles or
components throughout the world. The test may be conducted at any location having the
necessary equipment and facilities. Proposed revisions to this procedure must be submitted per FAP03-179.
1.1 通用性 这是个控制测试,可以用于检验世界各地的车辆或零件是否合格。该测试可以在任何具备必需设备与设施的地方进行。针对本流程的修改建议必须符合FAP03-179的要求。
2.1 None required beyond normal production gauges and indicators.
2.1 不会超出正常生产的仪器仪表
2.2 All test measurement equipment must be calibrated and maintained per FAP03-015, Control,Calibration, and Maintenance of Measurement and Test Equipment.
2.2  所有测试检测设备都必须根据FAP03-015检测测试设备的控制、标定及维护要求进行标定和维护。
2.3 All applicable safety guidelines and procedures must be followed.
2.3 必须遵守所有适用的安全指导与程序。
3.1 Communications devices (CB, FM Radio, Mobile Phone, etc.) are recommended for
each vehicle to assist in coordination of drive event activities. Fire extinguishers are recommended in prototype vehicles.
3.1 每辆车都推荐使用通讯仪器(CB,FM收音机,移动电话等)来帮助协调驾驶事故行为。样车上建议使用灭火器。
3.2 Road surfaces and evaluation conditions must meet the requirement of the various evaluation sequences. Corporate Proving Ground handling roads, special surfaces, grades, high-speed track and straightaway are commonly used, along with public roads. Staging areas must be defined for briefing, driver rotation, debriefing, vehicle preparation, and minor repairs.
3.2 路面及评估条件必须满足各项评估的要求。除了公路, 公司团体校对的道路,特殊表面,坡度,高速赛道以及直线跑道通常会用到。分段区域必须确定以便驾驶员转向,车辆准备以及小量维修。
3.3 Pre-trip Logistics: A typical list of pre-trip logistical support requirements is shown in Figure
3.3 临行前物流准备:临行前物流支持要求典型清单以数字展示
1. A logistic checklist of this type is recommended for the drive coordinator when planning an evaluation drive. Also, consider environmental conditions (temperature, wet weather, wind,etc.) for appropriate attributes to be rated.
3.4 Trip Document Book: It is recommended that the trip leader provide a document book to each participant for use during the evaluation. The book typically contains rating sheets, vehicle descriptions, route description, maps, schedules, participant names, driver and passenger rotations, descriptions of rating terms/acronyms and all special instructions.
福特公司简介3.4 行使文件手册:建议驾驶团长向每位参与人员提供驾驶文件手册以便在评估过程中使用。该手册通常包括:评级表,车辆描述,路线描述,地图,日程安排,人员名单,驾驶员与乘客的转换,评级术语/同义词的解释以及所有特殊知道。
4.1 Vehicle Condition: Vehicles should be road worthy and in safe operating condition. A predrive walk-around safety inspection of each vehicle, should include, but is not limited to, the following:
4.1 车辆条件:车辆值得上路而且操作安全。每辆车都需要进行预检,预检包括但不限于以下项目:
Safety Systems [restraint system visibly inspected for condition and secure attachment; and if vehicle is equipped with functioning airbags, check that air bag indicators are not lit during vehicle operation]
Tire Evaluation轮胎评估
Tire Pressure Check and Set to manufacturer's guidelines轮胎压力检查并调试到厂家指定的范围
Inspect each tire for obvious visible damage.
Fluid Level/Pressure Checks [Fuel, Oil Level and Oil Pressure, Transmission Oil Level, Windshield and Backlite Washer Bottle Reservoirs]