摘要....................................................................................................IV 引言.. (1)
第一章产品图 (4)
第二章对塑料件的材料与工艺分析 (5)
2.1材料成型的特点分析 (5)
2.1.1使用性能 (5)
2.1.2成型性能 (5)
2.2塑料件的工艺性分析 (6)
2.2.1塑件表面质量分析 (6)
2.2.2塑件的结构工艺性分析 (6)
第三章根据塑件的质量体积确定型腔数目和选择注射机 (7)
3.1 ug模型分析 (7)
3.2确定型腔数 (7)
3.3根据模具型腔能否充满与最大注射量关系计算 (7)
3.4注射压力的校核 (8)
3.5锁模力的校核 (8)
3.6 开模行程的校核 (9)
第四章模架的选择 (10)
第五章塑料制件在模具中的位置 (11)
5.1分型面 (11)
5.2成型零件及排列方式 (12)
5.2.1型腔 (12)
5.2.2型芯 (13)
5.2.3 排位方式 (13)
第六章浇注系统设计 (15)
6.1 主流道的设计 (15)
6.2 分流道的设计 (17)
6.3 浇口的设计 (18)
6.4 泠料穴和拉料杆的设计 (20)
第七章合模导向机构设计 (21)
7.1导向装置 (21)汽车方向盘
7.2复位装置 (22)
第八章排气系统的设计 (24)
第九章冷却系统的设计 (25)
第十章推出机构设计 (26)
第十一章模具工作原理 (28)
第十二章模具草图 (28)
参考文献 (29)
结论 (30)
In order to ensure a qualified plastic molding products, to meet product use requirements designed to ensure the smooth progress of molding processes, improve labor productivity, reduce costs, must be based on the requirements of plastics and plastic process performance, a careful analysis of products, processes or the proper design plastic products, to determine the correct method of forming and molding processes, correct choice of molding process conditions, the proper design and selection of a suitable plastic mold molding machine. In the plastic molding process, and all kinds of plastic mold structure and the design calculations, based on a plastic mold is a brief description of the design example.
This design is the outlet cover plastic molding process and mold design. According to the mandate given by the instructor to find a parts book their own kind, their own mapping, application ug software, create a part model diagram, and then create a sub-type surface, and to remain in the dynamic simulation model diagram part and the fixed mold section. At the same time, due to the design of outlet cover in industrial product design is a kind of more practical product design, involving
various factors. An overview of the proc ess performance of plastic products on the socket cover injection molding process was analyzed, and select injection molding machine injection molding machine, as well as process parameters, fully discussed with plastic cup with a handle of injection moldi ng process.How to work out features, in line with volume production requirements, at the same time fully meet the application requirements to protect the life of plastic outlet cover, so the choice of materials, process analysis, the importance of structural design. For this second design is a large number of technical literature in reading, based on the detailed